[표]Cryptocurrency market price (provided by: Cryptocurrency Exchange Upbit)
According to the current cryptocurrency exchange “Upbit”, the market price of bitcoin, a cryptocurrency ledger, is trading at 74,614,000 won, down -3,291,000 won (-4.22%) from the previous day.
Excluding Bitcoin, virtual currency trends are predominantly falling.
There are a total of three cryptocurrencies showing an upward trend, and Dogecoin, which shows the biggest increase among them, is trading at 452 won, up 23.5% from the previous day.
In addition, Aha Token (4.83%, 28.2 won) and gas (3.57%, 23,500 won) showed an uptrend.
There are a total of 11 cryptocurrencies showing a decline, and Siacoin, which shows the biggest decline, is trading at 57 won, down -15.81% from the previous day.
In addition, BitTorrent (-14.29%, 10.2 won), EOS (-13.35%, 8,760 won), Ripple (-13.22%, 1,740 won), Chiliz (-12.22%, 704 won), Neo (-8.26%, won) 111,600 won), Bitcoin Cash (-7.37%, 1,199,500 won), Vichain (-5.1%, 279 won), Ethereum (-4.15%, 2,885,000 won), Ethereum Classic (-3.14%, 47,460 won), IoT (-1.09%, 99.9 won) showed a decline.
Meanwhile, in terms of transaction amount, Doji Coin, Ripple, and Ethereum Classic are the most active in order.

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