Cryptocurrency Bitcoin traded at KRW 420,000, down 1015,000 KRW

Bitcoin, Bitcoin SV, Pundi X, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Stellar Lumen, BitTorrent, IoT, Ada, Litecoin, Spendcoin, Tron, Hedera Hashgraph

[표]Virtual currency market price (provided by: Cryptocurrency Exchange Upbit)

According to the current cryptocurrency exchange “Upbit”, the market price of bitcoin, a cryptocurrency ledger, is trading at 46,200,000 won, down -1,015,000 won (-2.15%) from the previous day.

Excluding Bitcoin, virtual currency trends are dominated by rising.

There are a total of 10 cryptocurrencies showing an uptrend, among which Pundi X, which shows the biggest uptrend, is trading at 0.52 won, up 136.36% from the previous day.

In addition, Bitcoin SV (49.54%, 313,650 won), IoT (30.13%, 13 won), EOS (13.12%, 4,095 won), BitTorrent (12.82%, 0.44 won), Tron (11.3%, 39.4 won) ), Bitcoin Cash (10.93%, 562,100 won), Spendcoin (5.45%, 6.97 won), Ada (4.53%, 369 won), and Stellar Lumen (0.58%, 348 won) showed an uptrend.

A total of four cryptocurrencies showing a decline are trading at 57.2 won, down 19.21% from the previous day, and the Hedera Hashgraph, which shows the biggest decline among them, is trading.

In addition, Ripple (-1.6%, 368 won), Ethereum (-1.52%, 1,392,500 won), and Litecoin (-1.17%, 198,000 won) showed a decline.

Meanwhile, in terms of transaction amount, Bitcoin, Bitcoin SV, and Pundi X are the most active in order.

Lionbot Reporter -Korea Economic Daily TV
※ This article was written in real time by Korea Economic Daily TV and’Thinkful, a financial AI company.

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