‘Cruel Man’, British’Swan’ with black ink… I can’t even flap my wings

'Cruel Man', British'Swan' with black ink...  I can't even flap my wings
The white feathers of the swan turned black due to human trash. Photo = Royal Animal Cruelty Prevention Association (RSPCA)

[아시아경제 김소영 인턴기자] The trash thrown away by humans suffered terrible damage from the’swan’ becoming a black’black bird’. This black material darkened the swan’s body and beak, which are white feathers.

The swan, which has become a’black bird’ with a terrible odor, flapped its wings and tried to remove the material from its whole body, but could not remove it. In addition to this, it is threatening life as it cannot properly eat food.

According to the British media BBC and ITV on the 17th (local time), a white-haired swan was misunderstood as a’black swan’ because someone was covered in ink that was not properly disposed of and discarded.

Found in a pond in Westbury, Wiltshire, England, the black swan was black all over its body and beak except for the tip of its wings. I kept trying to wipe something off my body, and I couldn’t eat well.

An animal protection organization employee revealed that the black swan is actually a’swan’ with white fur. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), which rescued the swan, estimates this material as black toner (a powdery ink) used in printers.

The white feathers that had to flow from this trash that someone had thrown into the pond was covered with black foreign matter.

Experts were concerned that if the swan’s body was not quickly removed foreign matter, the feather’s natural waterproofing ability could decline, leading to hypothermia.

Staff Daly, an investigator of the group, said, “At first, I was surprised to know that it was a black swan,” and said, “It was washed several times, but the black feathers are still not returning to their original color.”

In addition, the group worried about the swan’s mate, who left the area covered in the same material, and appealed, “If you see any black bird, please contact us.”

Environmental authorities investigators believed that it was possible that someone deliberately dumped the toner in the pond and initiated an investigation.

Intern reporter Kim So-young [email protected]
