Cross-entry after entering the apartment by the delivery vehicle… Residents’Safety comes first’ VS Courier driver’Difficulties in delivery’

Entry is blocked from the front door for safety reasons for the elderly and children

5-10 minutes on foot to transport heavy mineral water bundles

In places where the burden on residents increased due to higher delivery fees

Interested in finding a solution to reduce the difference in position

A delivery man walking down from the car at the front door of an apartment complex in Seoul./Reporter Jinhyuk Bang
A banned placard at the front door of an apartment complex in Gyeonggi-do/Reporter Juwon Baek

#In an apartment complex in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, a delivery motorcycle constantly delivers food at a slight lag at lunchtime. The peculiar thing is that all the deliverymen park their motorcycles in front of the front door for a while and then walk to deliver them. Mr. A, a lunchbox delivery man, said, “About 80% of apartment complexes in the area have to be walked from in front of the front door.”

Amid controversy over the fact that a new apartment building in Seongdong-gu has been banned from entering the complex, it has been found that there are not one or two apartment complexes in the metropolitan area that prohibit the access of delivery vehicles and delivery vehicles. In particular, courier drivers who have to carry heavy luggage such as bundles of bottled water are having difficulty delivering.

On the other hand, the residents of the apartment complex are also in the position that “safety accidents occurred frequently due to delivery vehicles and motorcycles within the complex, which was forced to take measures.” In fact, some of the reckless driving motorcycles and delivery vehicles often sweep the residents’ hearts. It is difficult to criticize that only the banning of residents is selfish as it is a decision made for the safety of the elderly and children. As there are not many differences in positions, it is noteworthy how to find solutions.

On the 22nd, a reporter from the Seoul Economic Daily looked around Gangnam, Seoul, and found that a number of apartment complexes, regardless of newly constructed or constructed apartments, were banned from entering delivery motorbikes and even delivery vehicles. It was hard to find a complex with signs or banners such as’No outside vehicles’, but all the deliverymen parked their vehicles at the front door and walked to the delivery as if they had made an appointment. This is because of the’learning effect’ that has been restricted by security guards for years.

The biggest reason why apartment complexes prohibit access to delivery motorcycles and delivery vehicles is because of’safety issues’. It was a decision made by the residents through a resident representative meeting. In fact, at the end of last year in an apartment complex in Gyeonggi-do, an elderly man bumped into a delivery vehicle and broke a rib.

As residents banned the access of delivery vehicles due to safety accidents, in December last year, delivery drivers left the delivery boxes only to the front door, creating a conflict. Currently, a banner is hung at the front door of the apartment complex to ask for civil and criminal responsibilities when a delivery vehicle enters.

As access to vehicles is restricted, workers in the delivery/delivery industry have to perform additional work at a fixed delivery fee. It takes 5 minutes to 10 minutes to return to the vehicle parked at the front door. Deliveryman B said, “It takes more than 10 minutes to deliver to a high-rise house located inside the complex,” he said. “There is no additional charge.”

The delivery industry argues that this behavior of residents will eventually lead to higher delivery fees. In the case of an apartment complex in Seongdong-gu, where the actual delivery vehicle was blocked, a delivery agency increased the delivery fee of 2,000 won from the 18th. An official from the delivery industry said, “As the delivery cost goes up on bad weather, if the delivery time is longer, you have no choice but to get more money.”

/ Reporter Bang Jin-hyuk [email protected]

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