Credit Union, net income of 338.1 billion ’19 consecutive years’ surplus… “Expanding inclusive finance”

Credit Union, net income of 338.1 billion ’19 consecutive years’ surplus… “Expanding inclusive finance”

Revision 2021.02.26 18:05Input 2021.02.26 18:05

Credit Union, net income of 338.1 billion '19 consecutive years' surplus...  “Expanding inclusive finance”
On the 26th, Shinhyup Central Chairman Kim Yoon-sik is giving a commemorative address for the 48th regular delegates at the Shinhyup Central Training Center in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon. [사진=신협중앙회]

[아시아경제 송승섭 기자] The National Credit Union announced on the 26th that last year’s credit unions’ net income reached 383.1 billion won, which has been successful for 19 consecutive years.

On the same day, the National Credit Union announced the status of total assets, loans, and net income at the 46th regular delegates meeting at the Shinhyup Central Training Center in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon.

According to the National Assembly, the net income of the credit union was 338.1 billion won, an increase of 13 billion won compared to the previous year. During the same period, assets increased by 8.3% (about 8.5 trillion won), and the loan size also increased by 11% (7.9%) from the previous year to 78.900 billion won.

Meanwhile, Shinhyup President Kim Yoon-sik, who attended the delegation meeting, suggested’the best financial cooperative with improved social clarity and credibility’ as the management goal. To this end, ▲Strengthening cooperative credit competitiveness for sustainable growth ▲Supporting rural and small cooperatives for win-win development between cooperatives ▲Strengthening competitiveness in the era of untact by revitalizing non-face-to-face media ▲Strengthening the identity of credit unions through expansion of social and inclusive finance .

The ‘7 Inclusive Finance Projects’ will also be expanded. The project is a social contribution project launched in 2018 with the aim of solving social problems such as aging, low birth rate, employment crisis, and financial alienation.

Reporter Song Seung-seop [email protected]
