Crash screening in 3 hours… Passed the so-called’Jung-in-i Prevention Act’

Contents that increase the sentence are not included…

The so-called’Jung In-yi Prevention Act’, which was aimed at preventing the recurrence of the case of’Jung In-i’, who died 16 months after birth due to the abuse of the adoptive parents, passed the law review subcommittee of the National Assembly Legislative Judicial Committee. The ruling and opposition parties dealt with the bill after only three hours of’ultra-short’ review with the goal of handling the plenary session of the National Assembly on the 8th. Experts criticized the politicians as urgently pushing for show-style legislation instead of carefully preparing effective child abuse prevention measures.

Mandatory police investigation as soon as reporting child abuse… I don’t want to strengthen the sentence

In addition, Democratic Party leader Nak-yeon Lee attends President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s greetings on the morning of the 7th at the party’s office to give a greeting. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

In addition, the Democratic Party and the power of the people reviewed 18 amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention Act initiated by the ruling and opposition lawmakers in the first subcommittee of the National Assembly Judiciary Committee’s bill review, and decided on an alternative that combined the contents of these bills. It is expected to be passed at the plenary session after a general meeting of the judiciary committee on the 8th.

According to the alternative, in the future, when the police or child abuse-only public officials receive a report of child abuse from a person obligated to report (a child welfare facility worker, medical person, etc.), an investigation or investigation should be initiated immediately. In the case of Jung In-i, even after the police received reports of suspicion of abuse three times, it was a measure that resulted in the termination of the internal affairs or disposition of charges only with the assertion of the foster parents. In addition, when the police are suspected of abuse, emergency measures can be taken for 72 hours, such as handing over children to shelters or separating them from their parents. From this 72 hours, Saturdays and holidays are excluded. This reflects the point that it is not easy to take various protective measures after investigating related persons within 72 hours. In addition, measures such as △Investigation of Separation of Child Abuse Actors and Victims △Addition of Police to the Subject of Child Abuse Education were included.

However, the contents of strengthening the sentence for child abuse crimes were excluded. The so-called Democratic Party’s lawmaker Roh Woong-rae (案) included a doubling of the sentence (currently 5 years or more → 10 years in prison) when a child dies of abuse. However, concerns have been raised that if the minimum sentence is high, the burden of proof becomes more difficult in child abuse crimes where it is not easy to secure a statement from the victim, which in turn could lead to increased unprosecution by investigative agencies. The’two-out’ system, in which a child is injured for more than two weeks of translocation or is reported as abused twice or more, is also omitted. It is not possible to grasp the severity of child abuse simply by the number of reports. Kim Ye-won, an attorney at the Disabled Rights Law Center, said, “In the case of a child abuse case in Cheonan last June, there was one report, but the child died in the end.”

“Jung In, I’m sorry” Let’s get more angry… Bill’ground land’ in 3 hours

On the afternoon of the 7th, in memory of the 16-month-old infant Jung In (pseudonym), a 16-month-old infant, who died of abuse by her adoptive parents, is placed at the High Family Andersen Park Cemetery in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi Province. News 1

On this day, the process of passing the law to prevent Jungin was reminiscent of a’cramming’. Of the 18 so-called amendments, 11 (61%) were proposed in June-December last year, but they have not been discussed even once. The remaining seven cases (38%) are also bills that were poured into a pile after three days after the’Jung Ini case’ was known to the world on the 2nd. However, the ruling and opposition parties held the so-called party at around 2:30 pm on the same day and completed the review of these amendments in about 3 hours. An attorney specializing in child abuse cases said, “In fact, the laws that have come out now have nothing to do with the’Jung-in-i case’,” and said, “As the public opinion grows, the politicians are being pushed to handle the bills in a hurry.” .

Experts agree that it is an urgent task to supplement the’detail’ so that the current system can function properly in the field, rather than devise new countermeasures. Bae-geun Lee, head of the Korea Child Abuse Prevention Association, said, “It is essential to invest in the government budget to significantly expand infrastructure such as shelters, and to develop the expertise of field personnel such as the police.” “Because infants cannot speak, It judges whether or not it is abused, but the police must also have such meticulous capabilities.”

Joonseok Park reporter

Jo So-jin reporter

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