Court allows 9-person vehicle demonstrations in Section 3·1… 11 quarantine rules must be observed

Court allows 9-person vehicle demonstrations in Section 3·1… 11 quarantine rules must be observed

Revision 2021.02.28 08:38Input 2021.02.28 08:38

Court allows 9-person vehicle demonstrations in Section 3·1…  11 quarantine rules must be observed

[아시아경제 배경환 기자] The court allowed a small-scale vehicle demonstration in Seoul city center in March 1st. However, it is limited to 9 participants.

According to law enforcement officials on the 28th, the first administrative department of the Seoul Administrative Court (Deputy Judge Ahn Jong-hwa) cited a partial request for suspension of enforcement of the ban on vehicle demonstrations made by the conservative patriot patrol team the previous day against the head of the Seoul Police Agency.

Previously, in Section 3.1, the patriotic patrol team reported to the police that 10 people would conduct vehicle demonstrations using 10 vehicles from the vicinity of Independence Gate to the vicinity of Hanseong Science High School through Tongil-ro and Gwanghwamun. However, after receiving a notice of the ban, he applied for suspension of execution along with an administrative lawsuit.

The court approved the demonstration in recognition of the unrecoverable damage of the organizers due to the ban and the urgent need to prevent it. The police did not accept claims that the protests had a significant impact on public welfare.

However, the number of participants in the demonstration was limited to 9 people using 9 vehicles and ordered to comply with 11 quarantine and traffic safety rules.

Reporter Bae Sang-hwan [email protected]
