Coup Myanmar military forces suspend civil protection law

Detention, seizure and search for more than 24 hours without court permission

[아시아경제 국제부 기자] The Myanmar military has suspended the civil protection law, which made it impossible to arrest citizens without permission from the court.

According to foreign media such as Reuters, the military ministry of Myanmar announced on the 13th (local time) that Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Civil Protection Act for Personal Freedom and Security will be suspended.



The provisions stipulate that citizens cannot be detained for more than 24 hours without the permission of the court, and they require permission from the court to confiscate or search an individual’s place of residence or private place.

The Myanmar military government initiated a coup on the 1st, saying that serious misconduct occurred in the general election held in November last year, but the government did not properly investigate it.

International Reporter [email protected]
