Corona vaccination started, but only 40% of France “will get vaccinated”

A bottle with a COVID-19 vaccine sticker and a syringe with a US pharmaceutical company Pfizer logo. © AFP=News1

Vaccination for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) has begun in Europe, but many Europeans are reluctant to get the vaccine, Reuters reported on the 27th (local time).

The European Union (EU) has signed contracts to supply 2 billion doses of vaccines with several pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer-Bio&Tech, Modena, and AstraZeneca, and has also made plans to ensure that all adults receive the vaccine next year.

However, there are some poll findings that several member countries are reluctant to vaccinate. The main reason is that it usually took more than 10 years to develop a vaccine, but the development of the Corona 19 vaccine took several months.

In a poll in Poland, where there is high distrust in public institutions, less than 40% of respondents say they are planning a vaccination. At a hospital in Warsaw, where the first vaccination took place that day, only half of the medical staff said they would receive the vaccination.

Polish Prime Minister Matteus Moravieski appealed to the Polish people for vaccination, saying that everyone should get the vaccine for collective immunization.

In Bulgaria, where 45% of poll respondents refused to be vaccinated, a bishop of an Orthodox church stood side by side with the Minister of Health and received the vaccine, and then compared Corona 19 to polio to reporters. Bishop Tihon said, “I will get all the vaccines I can.”

He mentioned the anxiety that people had before polio vaccines were developed in the 1950s and 1960s. “We were all trembling with fear that we could get polio. Then we cheered,” he said. “Now, we have to persuade people.”

On the 27th (local time) at Evangelismos Hospital in Athens, a man belonging to the Eastern Orthodox Church is getting the Pfizer-Bioentech’s Corona 19 vaccine. © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Dongmyeong Woo

In a survey conducted by Ipsos, a public opinion poll published on November 5, 54% of respondents in France said they would receive a vaccine if a vaccine was developed. It was 64% in Italy and Spain, 79% in the UK, 83% in Korea, and 87% in China. In a later published survey by the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP), only 41% of respondents said they would get the vaccine.

In Sweden, a Nordic country with high trust in public institutions, more than two out of three people expressed their intention to vaccinate. However, there are people who say,’I will never be right.’ Lisa Renberg, 32, said, “Even if someone gives me 10 million euros (about 13.4 billion won), it is not correct.”

Reuters said that many people are reluctant to get vaccinated because they ignore advances in science over recent decades.

According to a 2013 survey, traditional vaccine development methods that weaken or kill viruses take more than 10 years to develop a vaccine.

However, Moderna, which is based on mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid, messenger RNA) technology that generates an immune response by passing the genetic code to create a protein to cells, can be injected directly into the human body 63 days after the release of the corona 19 gene sequence. Developed a vaccine.

“We’ll look back on the progress made in 2020 and say,’It was a moment when science really took off,'” said Jeremy Farhar of the University of Oxford Medical Research Team.

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