“Corona has significant evidence of Wuhan lab leak” Pompeo refutes

At a street market in Wuhan, China, citizens in masks are waiting for food.  A team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), which completed fieldwork here, said it had not found any evidence of where the virus started. [로이터=연합뉴스]

At a street market in Wuhan, China, citizens in masks are waiting for food. A team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), which completed fieldwork here, said it had not found any evidence of where the virus started. [로이터=연합뉴스]

The U.S. government said that the results of a field investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO) that it had not found any evidence that the corona19 virus had begun in Wuhan, China, should be reviewed.

WHO can’t find evidence of corona 19 origin in Wuhan
White House “I will conclude with my own information”
State Department “China is not responding transparently”
Pompeo “We have evidence of leaking Wuhan lab”

White House spokesman Jen Saki said at a briefing on the 9th (local time) that “the US government was not involved in planning and implementing this investigation.” “Do it”.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said at a regular briefing that day, “It is difficult to conclude that WHO experts have received full cooperation from the Chinese government in this investigation.” “The results have not yet come out,” he added. “As China has not responded transparently so far, the US will make decisions based on WHO data and its own information.”

On the 9th (locally), White House spokesman Jen Saki responded to an investigation by the World Health Organization that concluded that it had not found evidence that Corona 19 had begun in Wuhan, China.

On the 9th (locally), White House spokesman Jen Saki drew a line in the World Health Organization’s investigation, which concluded that it had not found evidence that Corona 19 had begun in Wuhan, China, saying “the US government was not involved.” [AP=연합뉴스]

The WHO, who had visited Wuhan for a month earlier, held a joint press conference with a team of experts from China and announced the results of the interim investigation. Although no evidence could be found of the origin of the virus, it was concluded that it was very unlikely that it had originated in a laboratory in Wuhan.

It is said that it is most likely that it was transmitted to humans through intermediate host animals, but it also opened the possibility that the virus was spread through imported frozen foods. For this reason, some pointed out that the WHO, which failed to reveal the origins of Corona 19, only gave strength to the Chinese claim.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also appeared on Fox News that day and refuted the conclusion of the WHO.

“There is still’significant evidence’ that the Corona 19 virus occurred in a laboratory in China,” he argued.

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox News on the 9th (local time), claiming that there is still'significant evidence' that the Corona 19 virus started in a laboratory in China. [폭스뉴스 캡처]

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox News on the 9th (local time), claiming that there is still’significant evidence’ that the Corona 19 virus started in a laboratory in China. [폭스뉴스 캡처]

He explained that the reason the Trump administration left the WHO was “because it came to believe it was a corrupt and politicized group.” “I was kneeling to Chinese President Xi Jinping,” he said.

Former Minister Pompeo argued that the corona 19 virus was leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, which had several virus samples, even in May last year, when the corona 19 virus spread across the United States. However, he did not specifically disclose what the evidence was.

Washington = Correspondent Pilkyu Kim [email protected]
