Corona 19’mutant virus’ infected 12 additional confirmed… Cumulative 51 (complementary)

Corona 19’mutant virus’ infected 12 additional confirmed… Cumulative 51 (complementary)

Revision 2021.02.06 14:50Input 2021.02.06 14:50

[아시아경제 이춘희 기자] Twelve additional people were confirmed to be infected with the mutant virus, which is known to have a stronger spread than the existing Corona 19.

On the 6th, the Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) said, “As a result of analyzing a total of 56 samples of foreign inflow, 12 cases of mutant virus were identified.”

The 12 newly confirmed cases are separate cases not related to the “group infection of Gyeongnam and Jeonnam foreign (Syrian) relatives,” with 10 infected from the UK and 2 from South Africa (South Africa).

Of these, three were confirmed in the quarantine stage, and the other nine were confirmed by tests conducted during self-isolation after entering the country.

Bang Dae-bon said that none of the people in contact with them were infected with the mutant virus yet, but two passengers who used the same aircraft as the infected person, who sat in adjacent seats, were diagnosed with Corona 19 and are being tested for mutation infection.

As 12 additional people were discovered this time, the number of confirmed cases of mutant virus infection in Korea increased to 51.

Among them, 37 people were infected with mutations from the UK, 9 people were infected with mutations from South Africa, and 5 people were infected with mutations from Brazil.

Reporter Lee Chun-hee [email protected]
