Corona 19 mutations appear one after another… Additional inspection for those entering South Africa following the UK

On the 23rd, the arrival hall at Incheon International Airport was busy. With the discovery of COVID-19 mutations in the UK and Republic of South Africa, the government enforced enhanced quarantine measures for those entering these countries. News 1

Following the UK, a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutation occurred in South Africa, and the government decided to strengthen quarantine measures for immigrants to South Africa. Immigration inspections will be strengthened and additional inspections will be conducted before quarantine is lifted. A mutant virus originating in South Africa has not yet been discovered in Korea.

“According to the announcement by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Africa, a virus of mutations in the cell receptor binding site (RBD) of the spike protein was reported in South Africa,” said Eun-kyung Chung, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at a regular briefing on the 26th. In addition to the corona 19 diagnostic test for the benefactor and self-isolation measures for 14 days when entering the country under the existing measures, we will conduct a diagnostic test even before the release of quarantine to prevent entry into the community.” Overseas researchers predict that the mutant virus caused a second epidemic of Corona 19 in South Africa, and will affect infectivity and immune response.

It is also investigated whether the confirmed person from South Africa is infected with the’mutant virus’. Commissioner Chung said, “We are currently analyzing samples of confirmed patients from South Africa released after October,” and said, “We are planning to perform full-length genome analysis on confirmed cases of South Africa to check for mutant viruses.” However, he added that “the mutant virus has not been identified so far.” The number of entrants from South Africa after October, including 118 in October, 196 in November, and 191 in December (1-25), of which a total of 7 (October 1, December) 6) were confirmed.

Earlier, the government stopped operating flights departing from London Heathrow Airport and arriving at Incheon International Airport from the 23rd to block the influx of the mutant virus in the UK. Diagnostic tests before quarantine were also mandated for all arriving from the UK.

Yunju Lee reporter

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