Corona 19, 1.5 times the risk of positive test if obese, 1.7 times the mortality rate: Food and Drug Administration

Age and obesity were cited as independent risk factors related to Corona 19. This means that the older you are and the more obese you are, the more vulnerable you are to COVID-19.

According to the Korea Food Communication Forum (KOFRUM) on the 15th, Professor Lee Myung-sook of the Department of Food and Nutrition at Sungshin Women’s University wrote in a review paper (COVID-19: “Nutrition Agenda”) contributed to the Journal of Nutrition and Health of the Korean Nutrition Society. He pointed out that aging-related diseases help the occurrence or worsening of Corona 19. Loss of smell and deterioration due to aging, taste disorders, hypoxia, social isolation, and economic vulnerability are risk factors that increase the incidence and mortality of Corona 19.

In fact, the mortality rate (CFR) relative to the number of patients infected with COVID-19 is the highest (21%) among those over 80 years old. This is followed by 6.7% in their 70s and 1.3% in their 60s, and those who are younger than this are less than 1.0%.

There is no gender difference in the COVID-19 mortality rate. There are racial differences. Whites are the highest (52.1%), blacks (21%) and Asians (5%), followed by Hawaiians with 0.2%.

The risk of developing sarcopenia increases with age. Social distancing caused by Corona 19 can further increase the risk of developing sarcopenia. In a clinical study in which whey protein was supplied for 12 weeks in elderly 70-85 years old, the more the daily protein supply increased, the more effective it was in preventing sarcopenia, senility, and weakness. Protein supplementation to strengthen muscle function is also important for the production of proteins involved in immune function activity in response to infectious respiratory diseases such as Corona 19. Insufficient protein supply increases the intake rate of fat and carbohydrates to synthesize body fat, so muscle loss and obesity can occur at the same time.

Obesity also shows a high correlation with Corona 19. If you are obese, even patients with COVID-19 under the age of 60 may need intensive care treatment. According to the results of a meta-analysis (analysis of the results of several studies), obese people had a 1.5 times higher risk of corona19 positive test, 1.7 times higher mortality rate, and 2.1 times more likely to be hospitalized in an intensive care unit than a skinny person.

Obese people have a high mortality rate because they have less lung capacity due to weakened cardiopulmonary function, and thrombotic clots in blood vessels easily appear when infected with Corona 19.

In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the European Food Information Commission (EFIC), the US Centers for Disease Control and Control (CDC), and the American Nutrition Society (ASN) each set out guidelines for COVID-19 prevention. Announced. Here, the common point regarding nutrition is △Intake substances that enhance immunity, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, from fresh foods that are not processed foods △Minerals that are directly involved in immune function (copper, iron, Zinc) and vitamins (A·B6·B12·folic acid·C·D) should be properly eaten. There are four things to avoid, including alcohol and frozen foods.

The WHO emphasized the need to exercise daily, drink plenty of water, and prevent obesity, even in social isolation. The CDC pointed out that nursing mothers should be mindful of their health status. Reporter Kang Kyung-nam

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