‘Convenient Cafe’ Jang Yoon-jung “Don’t be fooled by Do Gyeong-wan”

[매일경제 스타투데이 성정은 기자]

‘Representative Working Mom’ Jang Yoon-jung vomits resentment, saying not to be fooled by her husband Do Gyeong-wan.

Jang Yoon-jung meets with Chef Lee Yeon-bok and learns to cook in the second episode of the Teacast E-channel’Comfortable Café’ (director Je Young-jae), which airs on the 4th.

Chef Lee Yeon-bok is puzzled by the words that Yoon-jung Jang has come to learn cooking for the children, and says, “I know that Do Gyeong-wan does everything at home.” As a result, Jang Yoon-jung shook his hand violently and complained, “I will die in regret.”

In addition, when Chef Lee Yeon-bok shows an example of a person who pretends to be good at knives, Jang Yoon-jeong raised his voice again, saying, “Do Gyeong-wan is like that. Don’t be fooled.”

The members who watched in the studio are also swayed by Jang Yoon-jung’s reversal. In particular, Hong Hyun-hee said, “If this is enough, you have to put proof of the content. Viewers do not know that Do Gyeong-wan is doing a good job of living.”

Jang Yoon-jung, who received momentum, continues to expose Do Gyeong-wan, and the details can be found in the second episode of’Comfortable Cafe’. In addition, Lee Yeon-bok’s special recipe will be released, which will be a breakthrough for those who are tired of food delivery and worry about meals.

In addition, the sweet dating scene of Friendy’s Jeongseok, Lee Dong-guk, who has been reborn as a Sweet Daddy, and twin daughters Jae-si and Jae-ah, will be revealed.

‘Comfortable Café’ provides practical information such as child-rearing and living while taking a peek at the daily lives of stars such as Lee Dong-guk, Jang Yoon-jung, Lee Yoo-ri, Hong Hyun-hee, Choi Hee, Song Kyung-ah, and Bae Yoon-jung. Since the first episode, it has been receiving hot reactions from various portal sites, mom cafes, communities, and SNS. It will be broadcast every Thursday at 8:50 pm on T-Cast E channel, and you can see vivid news on the scene through official Instagram and YouTube E channel.

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Photo provided|T-Cast E channel

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
