Controversy over’vaccine passports’ reigniting movements to ease blockade in Europe

On the 22nd, at the vaccination center in Elling in western London, UK, a medical team prepares for AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccine. Eling=EPA Yonhap News

Controversy over the introduction of a “vaccine passport” is on fire as many European countries are preparing to carefully lift the blockade along with the supply of vaccines for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). The criticism that it gives preferential treatment to only a few inoculations and the claim that it is the least protective barrier for everyday safety are in tension, and there is no definite conclusion.

On the 23rd (local time), when European local media gathered, the issue of proving vaccination rose again as more countries were speeding up the blockade exit strategy, such as resuming school and easing curfew. France24, a French news channel, said, “Each country is considering introducing a vaccine passport or vaccination certificate as one of the way out of the containment.”

Vaccine passports are a kind of safety device needed to prevent re-proliferation if traffic restrictions are lifted. The aim is to ensure normal life by proving virus negative and immunity as well as cross-border movement. With the spread of anticipation that the more vaccination passport holders can save the travel industry in a slump, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland have already decided to introduce it. Countries with high dependence on tourism, such as Greece and Spain, are also rushing to make policies.

The UK, which laid out a roadmap for mitigating the four-stage blockade the previous day, is also considering issuing vaccination certificates as a follow-up measure. The British Daily Telegraph reported on the day, “The Chief of State Coordination Office Michael Gove will lead the development of the Corona 19 vaccination certificate.”

The certificate is the purified representation of the vaccine passport. Earlier this month, “Passports should be issued only to citizens who have been vaccinated to lift the travel restrictions (Dominic Rab, British Foreign Minister).” At the time, there were constant criticisms that it could discriminate against pregnant women, children, etc., who were reluctant to inoculate due to health reasons or unable to inoculate themselves. For this reason, the British government explained that the certificate is limited to the medical meaning of being negative in the Corona 19 test.

However, there is no small prospect that reverse discrimination will remain even after issuing a certificate. The Daily Financial Times predicted that “when the blockade in the UK is over by summer, you will eventually be asked for a vaccination certificate to enter the stadiums and restaurants.” In addition, some countries, like the French government, adhere to a negative position on vaccine passports. According to the results of a survey conducted by the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFO) last month, 6 out of 10 French citizens (62%) said that “vaccine passports are necessary for social customs,” but the government suppressed individual freedom. I see it as an act of doing. French Foreign Minister Clement Bonn, the European Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, drew a line that “the introduction is very reluctant as it only gives rights to certain persons.”

The European Union (EU) executive branch, the Executive Committee, also says it is premature. It was determined that only 3% of Europeans had been vaccinated against the Corona 19 vaccine, and the possibility of spreading the virus was sufficient even if they received the vaccine. Even at the EU summit last month, the issue of the introduction of a vaccine passport could not be reached, and the discussion was ended on the basis of standardizing the vaccination certificate for medical purposes.

Heo Gyeongju reporter

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