Controversy over’corona origin’ continues… “China refuses to provide original materials in Wuhan to WHO”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that China refused to provide raw data of early outbreak cases to a team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) who visited the country to investigate the origin of Corona 19.

The WHO investigation team visited the Wuhan Animal Disease Center in China on the 2nd. [AFP=연합뉴스]

The WHO investigation team visited the Wuhan Animal Disease Center in China on the 2nd. [AFP=연합뉴스]

On the 12th (local time), WSJ said, “The Chinese authorities declined a request from WHO experts to provide detailed data on 174 confirmed cases in Wuhan in December 2019, which was in the early stages of the outbreak of Corona 19.” It is necessary to understand when and how Corona 19 began to spread in China.”

He said, “China’s reluctance to provide such data is raising concerns in the international community about the lack of transparency in the process of finding the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Reportedly, Chinese authorities and scientists only provided their own analysis and extensive summaries of the cases. In this regard, Thea Fisher “There was no contradiction in the data that could be accessed in Wuhan, but the in-depth analysis could not be performed due to the lack of raw data.”He said.

Because of the non-cooperation of the Chinese authorities, it was difficult to conduct a retrospective study, which is a method of epidemiological investigations to examine cases from the past.

Wuhan Huanan Fish Market. [글로벌 타임스=연합뉴스]

Wuhan Huanan Fish Market. [글로벌 타임스=연합뉴스]

From the process of determining the scope of the research team’s research, investigators have emphasized the importance of sharing initial data. This is because the information that can be obtained at the field is limited after a long time after the outbreak. The WHO dispatched the investigation team to China in February and July of last year, but due to the pressure of Chinese health authorities, the Wuhan area could not be reached and the foot was tied to Beijing. In the meantime, major places such as the Wuhan fish market were disinfected several times, and all those infected with Corona 19 at the time also left the hospital.

The WHO had no authority to force member states to provide data, so the investigation was forced to rely on cooperation from the Chinese authorities.

On the same day, WHO Secretary General Thewardros Adhanom Governor Yeosus said at a video press briefing regarding the investigation of the origin of Corona 19, “a question was raised whether some hypotheses have been abandoned.” I said. “We will continue to work to get the information we need answers.”

A report summarizing the findings of the Corona 19 Origins Investigation Team will be released as early as next week.

Reporter Kim Hong-bum [email protected]
