After the abolition of’Hinarae’,’Oh! Deleted the’Master’ controversy scene

[스튜디오 와플 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Jung-jin = The increased sensitivity of viewers to gender perception is influencing popular culture contents.
After the recent web entertainment’Hanarae’ became controversial over the high-level comments and actions of comedian Park Narae, it was decided to abolish it, followed by the MBC TV drama’Oh! ‘Master’ also deleted the scene when the protagonist’s exposure to the scene continued to be pointed out.
Experts analyze that this trend not only shows the stricter standards of viewers, but also that the problem consciousness that men can also be subject to sexual harassment has become common.
In the second episode of the web entertainment’Hanarae’ released on the 23rd, Narae Park experienced toys, pulled the doll’s body to describe sexually and continued high-level remarks, leading to controversy about sexual harassment.
Accordingly, the production crew of’Hanarae’ decided to abolish the program, and Narae Park posted a handwritten apology saying, “I have disappointed many people with my immature coping ability.”
However, some viewers are demanding that Narae Park get off from all programs, and criticism continues on MBC TV entertainment’I Live Alone’, which aired without any action on the 26th.

[MBC 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
MBC TV drama’Oh! In the first episode of’Master’, Lee Min-gi’s naked body was revealed when Han Bi-su (Lee Min-ki), who was taking a shower in the bathroom, faces Oh Joo-in (Nana), which became controversial.
The main part was covered with a peach emoticon, but some viewers questioned whether it was necessary to capture the actor’s nakedness in the scene.
Accordingly, MBC deleted the scene from the replay service and online clip video. The revised version is scheduled to be broadcast on the reruns that will be aired on this day.
The male actor’s exposure scene was last year’s KBS 2TV weekend drama’Oh! Samkwang Villa!’
When a scene where Woo Jae-hee (played by Lee Jang-woo) entered the bathroom without knowing that Lee Bit-chae-on (played by Jin Ki-ju) was passed out and revealed a naked body was broadcast, a point was raised by viewers, and the scene was deleted from the replay service and rerun.

[KBS 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
Popular culture critic Ha Jae-geun said, “As various events and accidents such as the Me Too Movement and Room N continue to appear, the standards related to popular culture have become more stringent.” Are appearing,” he explained.
‘Hinarae’,’Oh! Master’,’Oh! Samkwang Villa!’ There is also a common point that there have been raised concerns that all men were subject to sexual harassment.
Critic Ha Jae-geun said, “In the past, mainly women were the victims, so there is a side that the damage suffered by men has been placed in a blind spot,” he analyzed. “Recently, there are claims that men should also be protected.”
“Now, the criticism and discussion on pop culture contents are starting in earnest with a higher awareness. As these discussions continue, new standards will gradually be established. One needs to look back and approach it carefully,” he said.
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2021/03/27 14:09 sent