Controversy about’transfer act’ spread… W “Well written script”, “Red Spot”

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 People's Power Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, is holding a New Year's press conference at the National Assembly on the 27th.

People’s Power Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, is holding a New Year’s press conference at the National Assembly on the 27th.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Cho Min-jeong, Jeon Myung-hoon = On the 30th, the ruling and opposition parties held a battle at the remarks of Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, who expressed this as a’transfer act’, saying that the Moon Jae-in administration decided to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea.

In addition, the Democratic Party’s representative Lee Nak-yeon pointed out on Facebook that “I was suspicious of my eyes after reading Chairman Kim’s remarks.”

He said, “If there was something in the computer folder of a public official, you are arguing that it was, of course, promoted during the inter-Korean summit. It is common sense that the operation of the state does not work,” he said. “Isn’t it that he made such a wrong remark because of the by-election.”

In a written commentary, spokesman Shin Young-dae said in a written comment, “The ghosts of the impeachment force are returning and mislead the people who are tired of the corona by the North Wind politics of the nuclear power plant.” “He emphasized.

Democratic Party Rep. Yoon Young-chan, who served as the president of the presidential secretary’s office for public communication, watched the process of two inter-Korean and North Korean summits in 2018, and said, “In this process, I will first tell you that no single word has been mentioned about the construction of nuclear power plants in North Korea.” “It’s ridiculous” he said.

Rep. Yun mentioned the audit of the Auditor’s Office of Wolseong Unit 1, the accusation of the people’s power, the seizure and search of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and the arrest of public officials. “This is only a very well-designed scenario and script that leads to the auditor-the power of the people-the prosecution-the press- I can’t see it. Politics shouldn’t do that.”

4th Congressman Hong Young-pyo posted a post on Facebook, saying, “The power of the people has lost their temper,” and criticized “The intention to beg for votes from extreme supporters such as the Taegeuk Gi corps as the re-election that came forward on the 70th was unfavorable.”

In the opposition, there was no problem with Chairman Kim’s remarks, and criticism of the Blue House’s legal countermeasures was poured out as a’red anti-harm’.

In the commentary, spokesman Yoon Hee-seok, the power of the people, said, “I understand that it is a difficult situation that there is no way to clarify, but mentioning the law and discussing measures is a threat with power.”

People’s Power Former Congressman Na Gyeong-won, a candidate for the Seoul Mayor’s primary election, said in a Facebook post, “To stop even the opposition representative’s mouth is to shut up the public’s mouth and force silence,” he said. “It’s urgent, rather than urgent. Something has happened. Mean” insisted.

Former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min pointed out that “the thief is pleased to come out to the red spot while holding the horsetail”, and Rep. Park Dae-chul on Facebook said, “Even though Kim Yeo-jung is a’special nerd’, he couldn’t make a sound, so it’s like living to the opposition representative.

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, spokesman Kim Eun-hye, and Rep. Kim Woong, have stepped up to defend Chairman Kim, saying, “If true, it is an obvious transfer act.”

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, asked the Blue House, saying, “You must reveal the truth in front of the people. If not, you must reveal the truth through a state affairs investigation and special prosecution.”

Independent Congressman Hong Joon-pyo, who had been confronting Chairman Kim so far, also sided with Chairman Kim, saying, “There is nothing wrong with Mr. Toh in Kim’s remarks on the transfer of the Moon regime, but it is truly astonishing that the Blue House talks about legal measures.”

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