Controversial Cyberpunk 2077, CEO Lee Winsky opened up

Input 2021.01.14 10:19

The CD project’s co-founder, Marcin Ewinsky, spoke to the controversy over Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 was controversial over bugs and optimization issues. Especially the previous generation console device, the PlayStation 4(PS4)And Xbox One users complained that it was difficult to play the game normally. Accordingly, Sony Interactive Entertainment and Microsoft are giving refunds.

Marchin Ewinski CEO / Cyberpunk 2077 YouTube Channel

13th(Local time) According to the game media PC gamer, CEO Lee Winsky revealed that the process of releasing the video on YouTube and moving Cyberpunk 2077 to PS4 and Xbox One platforms was’underestimated’.

“The goal was to make the game look magnificent on the PC and then apply it to the console,” he said. “It didn’t seem difficult to move the game to the PS4 or Xbox One,” he admitted that he ultimately underestimated the difficulty.

He also said that various problems that were revealed after the game were released were not caught during the testing process. “As the release date neared, we made significant improvements every day, and we believed that the update would fix most of the problems,” said Lee Winsky.

Among users, it is claimed that the company was aware of the defect in advance. When sending out the review code before the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the voice is raised as proof that the company sent the PC version first. Regarding this, CEO Lee Winsky said, “At the time we sent the PC review code, we are working hard to improve the quality of the game on the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.” “It’s been improved, and this work was later than expected, so we sent the console review code late.”

PC gamers acknowledge that the CD project has a low level of completeness and additional download content(DLC)He said he plans to produce and distribute DLC is being developed for the second half of the year, and in terms of priority, game improvement is known first.

Meanwhile, recently Polish Competition and Consumer Protection Agency investigates Cyberpunk 2077Are doing.

Reporter Oh Si-young [email protected]

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