Contrast was administered until fainting and death… Consumer Resources’Contrast Agent Advisory’

© News1 Designer Jinmo Choi

It has been pointed out that the contrast agent required for computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may cause serious side effects such as cardiac arrest, and that special attention is needed.

Contrast agents are medicines that help to clearly check the state of tissues and blood vessels in the process of diagnosis such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

According to the Korea Consumer Agency on the 27th, 106 cases of contrast agent hazards received in the Consumer Risk Monitoring System (CISS) for three years from 2014 (37 cases in 2014, 28 cases in 2015, 41 cases in 2016) were found.

Of the 106 cases of harm, 49 cases (46.2%) were moderate, such as general urticaria and facial edema. There were 25 cases (23.6%) of severe allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock and cardiac arrest. Cases of moderate or higher side effects (69.8%) accounted for the majority of cases.

In particular, 9 out of 49 cases (18.4%) of moderately severe cases can cause tissue necrosis and require special attention from the medical staff during the administration, the Consumer Agency explained.

Of the 25 severe cases,’fainting’ accompanied by anaphylactic shock was 18 (72.0%). There were 7 cases of death (28.0%).

Since contrast agent is a specialty medicine used in hospitals, it is difficult to prevent accidents only with the attention of consumers. The Korea Consumer Agency pointed out that it is urgent to prepare measures by the government to secure consumer safety.

In particular, the Consumer Agency emphasized that it is necessary to review the introduction of preliminary tests such as skin reaction tests so that the occurrence of side effects can be confirmed in advance before administration of contrast agents.

As a result of a survey of 100 consumers of 15 medical institutions at the 2nd and 3rd rounds, 68 (68.0%) had no experience in pre-testing contrast agents.

Consumers said, “Since serious side effects such as cardiac arrest may occur during the administration of contrast agents, it is necessary to strengthen the relevant regulations so that first aid treatment is possible at any time during the procedure for patients in high risk groups.

