“Continuing hand loss…” Jaffing Korea decides to reconsider’writing contract’ by Park Gye-ok of’Massa Chosun’-Reporter Yoo Hye-ji

[유혜지 기자] Jaffing Korea decided to review the writing contract of writer Park Gye-ok.

On the 25th, Jaffing Korea said in an official position, “The artist Park Gye-ok, who signed a contract recently, is not an artist belonging to Jaffing Korea. It is a contract to’write only the writing’ for a contemporary drama planned for the future.”

“At the time of the contract discussion, we didn’t even know the details of’Chosun-gu Masa’, which is a problem at the time of the contract discussion. It is revealed that the speculation about production and investment is not at all true.” In the future drama production, I will respond more sensitively and pay special attention,” he added.

SBS '조선구마사' 포스터<br />“src=”http://cdn.topstarnews.net/news/photo/202103/867956_602252_126.jpg”/><figcaption>SBS’Joseongu Masa’ poster</figcaption></figure>
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“As a company that has signed a writing contract with Park Gye-ok, we apologize for causing inconvenience and feeling responsible for the parts that have not been confirmed in advance. Jaffing Korea is planning to review the writing contract with Park Gye-ok completely.” did.

Earlier, SBS’s Monday-Tuesday drama’Chosun-gu Masa’ (played by Gye-ok Park, director Shin-Soo Shin) was engulfed in controversy over the Northeast process such as history distortion and Chinese style. The production crew gave clarification and apology twice, but due to strong criticism from the public, the companies who supported the production of the drama and organized the advertisement stopped the advertisement at once.

In the end, it is known that PD Shin-soo called the cast from the evening of the 25th through a number of media and mentioned the possibility of abolition. Although the abolition has not been officially confirmed, it is known that it will be decided and released in the morning of the 26th.

If abolition is confirmed, it will be the first Korean drama to be stopped due to historical distortion after only two broadcasts.
