Consumer price annual increase rate of 0% for 2 consecutive years… ‘The price of cabbage 41.7%↑’

Input 2020-12-31 09:11 | Revision 2020-12-31 18:05

▲ December consumer price trend ⓒ Statistics Korea data

In December, the consumer price index rose 0.2% MoM and remained at 0% for 3 consecutive months. The annual increase rate also remained at 0.5% this year following 0.4% last year and reached 0% for two consecutive years, raising concerns about low inflation. However, it is feared that the so-called table price has risen sharply, causing a major blow to the common people’s economy.

According to the’December and Annual Consumer Price Trends’ released by the National Statistical Office on the 31st, the consumer price index for December this year was 105.67, up 0.2% from the previous month and 0.5% from the same month last year.

The electricity, water, and gas price indices fell, but industrial products and agricultural and livestock products rose, leading the overall rise.

An official of the National Statistical Office explained, “The price of agricultural and livestock products rose due to the weather conditions and the base effect, but the rate of increase slowed down due to the decline in oil prices and free education.”

By sector, the agricultural products and petroleum exclusion index (106.3) was similar to the previous month, but rose 0.9% from the same month last year. The annual increase rate was 0.7%.

In addition, the food and energy exclusion index (105.89) also remained unchanged from the previous month, but rose 0.5% year-on-year and 0.4% annually.

The living price index (105.27) rose 0.1% from the previous month and fell 0.1% from the same month last year.

Food fell 0.2% from the previous month, but rose 3.4% from the previous year. The price index other than food rose -2.1% YoY and 0.4% YoY.

The living price index included in the previous month was 105.31, similar to the same month last year, but increased 0.2% from the previous month.

In addition, the fresh food index (122.85) rose 0.4% from the previous month and 10.0% from the same month last year.

In particular, fresh fish rose 0.4% from the previous month and 5.6% from the same month last year, and fresh vegetables fell 6.8% from the previous month, but rose 0.2% from the previous year.

The rise of fresh fruits was even deeper, up 7.4% from the previous month and 24.3% from the same month last year.

Meanwhile, the results of this survey showed that the so-called meal prices and other living quarters rose significantly from the previous year, further increasing the burden on people in need due to Corona 19.

By item, pork prices rose 10.7% this year, up 16.1% from the same month last year, and Korean beef prices rose 8.3% overall, including 10.7% from the same month last year.

In particular, the price of cabbage fell 32.9% from the same month of the previous year in December, but this year’s price rose 41.7% from the previous year, and the overall price of onions (45.5%) and mackerel (12.8%) also rose significantly from the previous year.

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