Constitution, Airborne Law Constitutional Decision…

Constitutional judges, including the head of the Constitutional Court Yoo Nam-seok (right), are attending the sentence of the Constitutional Complaint that was filed against the high-ranking public officials criminal investigation office held at the Supreme Court of Justice in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 28th. Newsis

The Constitutional Court decided on the 28th that the Act on the establishment and operation of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (Airborne) is not in violation of the Constitution. As a result, the Ministry of Public Transport, which was officially launched with the official appointment of Kim Jin-wook, the Minister of Public Service, can speed up organizational work such as deputy chief, investigative prosecutors and investigators.

The Constitution said that on the same day, Rep. Yoo Sang-beom made a decision to’constitutional’ on Articles 2, 3, 1, 8, 4, etc. . Of the nine constitutional judges, five judged constitutional, three of them’unconstitutional’ and one of them’Sir’.

Earlier, members of the Mirae Unity Party (now the power of the people) filed a constitutional petition in February last year saying that the airlift is a non-constitutional organization that does not belong to any of the legislative, judicial, and administrative functions. According to the constitution, a prosecutor can make a request for a warrant, but he argued that it is unconstitutional to recognize the right to claim a warrant to the airlift by law.

However, the Constitution said that “the central administrative agency is not necessarily compelled to belong to each department of the administration,” and said, “It is reasonable to see the airlift as a central administrative agency whose jurisdiction extends across the country. “He said. He added, “It cannot be said that the establishment of independent administrative agencies that do not belong to each department of administration is prohibited under the constitution.”

no problem reporter

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