‘Confusion’ after Trump… Special requests to the Korean American community

The US House of Representatives, who initiated the Trump impeachment prosecution on charges of ``inciting civil rebellion,'' and the US Democratic Party lawmakers officially initiated a bill to impeach President Donald Trump on the 11th (local time). There is a memorial early on.  In the bill of impeachment proposed by the Democratic Party that day, President Trump's charges of inciting civil war following the invasion of parliament are stated as the basis for impeachment.
▲ US House of Representatives promulgating Trump impeachment proceedings on charges of inciting civil rebellion US Democratic Party congressmen officially initiated a bill to impeach President Donald Trump on the 11th (local time), and the Washington DC Federal Parliamentary House is hung up to commemorate a policeman who died in a “parliamentary invasion riot”. In the bill of impeachment proposed by the Democratic Party that day, President Trump’s charges of inciting civil war following the invasion of parliament are stated as the basis for impeachment.
Ⓒ Washington Reuters = Yonhap News

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President Trump’s impeachment resolution was passed in the US House of Representatives on the 13th (local time), with all Democratic Party lawmakers and 10 Republican lawmakers on charges of inciting a civil war. This corresponds to a prosecution in which the House of Representatives, who was assigned the role of prosecutors, in the process of impeachment of the president, confirmed the criminal charges. The outcome of the final impeachment trial depends on two-thirds of the Senate given the role of a jury.

<뉴욕타임즈>Evaluated the House’s approval of impeachment as “the most bipartisan impeachment.” In the process of impeachment voting, the first ten most opposition parties in history voted in favor. President Clinton’s love affair with White House intern Ruinsky, Nixon’s Watergate case, and the 1960 Impeachment of President Endroo Johnson were all compared to the political behavior that defended President Jaffa’s problem. At the time of Nixon’s impeachment, even relatively well-regarded Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were reminded of their advocacy for Jaffa Nixon.

In the meantime, the general public opinion of the US political and media circles on Trump’s impeachment has been that it has been a’reckless number’. This was the reason that political voting was obvious and could only cause side effects. But why did the Democratic Party push this forward? It was reported that the final goal was to block Trump’s eligibility for the next 2024 presidential election.

Presented a legal analysis on this. This assumes the case that the Democratic Party, which took control of the Senate after January 20, will use the appropriate time to present a resolution for impeachment of the House of Representatives to the Senate. If convicted in the Senate, subsequent votes can be used to vote on eligibility issues for office, including pensions and other benefits after retirement. In this case, a simple majority of the Senate could disqualify Trump from running for public office.

<뉴욕타임즈>“This move will appeal not only to the Democrats, but also to many Republicans who are convinced that it is the only way to get Trump out of the party, with the president in mind,” said Mr. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate. I have.”

<워싱턴포스트>In addition, it predicts that Trump will be able to prevent Trump from running for the next office, taking as an example, Article 14 (paragraph 3) of the Amendment to the Constitution enacted after the Civil War. This provision says that those who have participated in rebellion or riots against the state, or who have supported or supported it, are prohibited from serving the next public office. Since this provision does not take Trump out of office, we don’t see the need for a two-thirds majority vote needed to decide on impeachment.

The Democratic Party, which took over the Senate and House of Representatives in the last election, is expected to stop running for the next Trump president in any way, starting with this impeachment initiative. But that doesn’t mean the Trump era is over. It can be said that from now on, the turmoil in American politics begins. We don’t know what will happen in the future. CNN cited national security sources and reported that Trump supporters could unite with ideology and launch a larger armed attack.

The Republican Party today is like shit and crushing, tumbling without knowing what to do. After the Washington DC parliamentary upheaval, there is a possibility that it could be broken by the ignorant polarity of Trump’s enthusiastic supporters if a slight mistake was made.

The two things that took the life of the Republican Party

 공항에 모인 지지자 향해 주먹 쥐어 보이는 트럼프

(할린전 AFP/게티이미지=연합뉴스) 퇴임을 8일 앞둔 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 12일(현지시간) 텍사스주 할링전의 밸리 국제공항에 도착해 지지자들을 향해 주먹을 쥐어 보이고 있다. 트럼프 대통령은 이날 미국-멕시코 국경에 건설된 장벽 완공을 기념하기 위해 이곳을 방문했다.



<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 data-recalc-dims=
” class=”photo_boder” />
Trump shows a fist at the supporters gathered at the airport (Harlin War AFP/Getty Images = Yonhap News) US President Donald Trump, 8 days before retirement, arrives at Valley International Airport in Harling, Texas on the 12th (local time) and fists at supporters Is showing. President Trump visited this day to commemorate the completion of a barrier built on the US-Mexico border. [email protected] (end)

Ⓒ Yonhap News

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The future of the Republican Party depends on who takes the lead here. Currently, it seems that traditional conservatives with good intentions are on the defensive. However, there is a prospect that depending on the direction of voters’ support, they may re-emerge. In a democratic society, the market and politics have a connection. Just as buyers with money in the market have power, so in a democratic society, people with votes can do the politics they want with votes. Here we can also see that we cannot overlook the power of the economy, especially. It is worth noting that American democracy has been working as a system for paying and purchasing politics.

As an example, a declaration that some political and financial groups would cut off political funding was issued to lawmakers who voted against Biden’s election last week in Congress. There were also cheers for the death of Sheldon Edelson, a Las Vegas casino conglomerate, who was Trump’s active financial supporter. There is a lot of possibility that large corporations and rich people will continue to appear in line in the future, saying’I will cut off the money line for sleazy politicians’. If that’s the case, the Republican Party may naturally change in water. Of course, it is also a certain reality that there are limits to those who need political lobbying.

Second, another issue that is equally important is the relationship with many fundamentalist Christian forces who support Trump and believe in the theory of election manipulation conspiracy. This is because there are quite a few famous politicians in the Republican Party who have built a power road based on their support, besides Trump.

< The Power Worshippers(권력숭배자들) >Author Katherine Stewart recently <뉴욕타임즈>“Why do so many Republicans seem to be fighting both truth and democracy?”

In his column, he cites Missouri Senator Josh Hawley as an example. On the day of the Washington Capitol riot, he criticizes his distorted political convictions, reminding him of Howley’s agitated by throwing his clenched fists in the air in the square. Howley’s Christian fundamentalism, biblical worldview and political convictions revealed in this column are as follows.

“To correct and cope with all secular pathologies is today’s political challenge, and we need to turn this world where God’s hand is untouched into Christian faith, and bring Christ’s sovereignty and its message to the public sphere, We must seek obedience from all nations, as well as of this nation.”

I criticized a man like Top Elite Howley, who was a graduate of Stanford University and Yale University Law School and has a clock history at Supreme Judge John Robert’s office, and is criticized for having such a religious theory of the Middle Ages that he is one of the Republican’s disease, not the cause. Add. “If we can’t find a way to address these forces and the fundamental pathologies they lead, we might have to fight another new, more successful version of Howley,” he said. Warns.

Fortunately, there is still a classic conservative politician with a skeleton like Romney in the Republican Party. While acknowledging Biden’s victory, it is also expected that Mitch McConnell, the flexible Senate Representative, who also takes care of the party’s course, will be active. In addition, I expect President Biden’s leadership of harmony after taking office.

This is because he knows well that one of the President’s duties is also to save the healthy traditional conservatives and help the Republicans recover. In 40 years, Biden, who had a hard time in Congress, is also a politician who understands the importance of bipartisan politics better than anyone else.

Everyone must fight racism

 미 의사당 난입한 트럼프 지지자들

epa08923421 Supporters of US President Donald J. Trump in the Capitol Rotunda after breaching Capitol security in Washington, DC, USA, 06 January 2021. Protesters entered the US Capitol where the Electoral College vote certification for President-elect Joe Biden took place. EPA/JIM LO SCALZO

<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 data-recalc-dims=
” class=”photo_boder” />
Trump supporters invade the US Capitol
Ⓒ Yonhap News/EPA

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However, the Republican Party will have no choice but to struggle in confusion for the time being. However, there seems to be no problem with getting Trump out. This is because the Senate Representative of the Republican Republican McConal insists on this. For now, it seems likely that the Republican Party is the only way to take a breath.

So what will happen to his enthusiastic believers after Trump’s political ouster? Each of them will find their own way of life according to their realistic interests, but the roots of’Trumpism’ are expected to deepen. Still, they believe that the United States is a white country, and that Trump, backed by a majority of white people in this election, is the orthodox president-elect.

But the biggest challenge for American society is that racism will continue to rise after Trump leaves, and there is still the possibility of getting worse. The democratic crisis facing the United States right now is right here.

In conclusion, the only way for American society suffering from democratic measles to revive is to go beyond Trump’s racism. But that racism has deep roots. Until the white supremacist and racist views change, the solution is far from being.

However, in this state of Georgia, one of the solutions was available. In the eyes of racists, black people, who were not seen as a people, united, producing dramatic results not in the history of’the birth of Georgia’s first black senator.’ It is an example that clearly shows that blacks are also sovereign citizens. If all ethnic minorities in the United States join forces to save, enhance, and strengthen them, will white supremacy change?

Of course, as the United States leads globalization and moves toward a multiracial society with an increasing number of immigrants, we can fully understand the position of many white people who were forced to fall behind. It will be necessary to come up with ways to relieve them. But, above all, everyone needs to fight the racism that exists within us first.

Especially, I want to talk to Korean-Americans who are having fun. Perhaps we want to think about whether we are not an ethnic group with a’ethnocentric’ tendency after Japan. You should also be ashamed of it.

It is a side branch, but I look forward to the role of Korean Americans who are fun here. It may be a coincidence, but look at the results of the US and Senate elections. The Democratic Party won as much as the number of Korean American voters living in Georgia. If we Koreans further develop their political power through solidarity with black people, even though we are a minority among ethnic minorities, we can make a great contribution to American democracy as a’swing boater’.
