Confrontation between Korea-Japan relations despite U.S. arbitration, and the issue of North Korea denuclearization is also difficult-Asian economy

Confrontation between Korea-Japan relations and North Korea denuclearization problem despite US arbitration

[아시아경제 유인호 기자, 이지은 기자, 구채은 기자] Although the Joe Biden administration is demanding an improvement in the relationship between Korea and Japan, the two countries are moving toward establishing a confrontation over the issue of Dokdo and the comfort women.

When Japan enforced the “Takeshima Day (the name of Dokdo that Japan claims)” on the 22nd, the Korean government immediately urged the abolition of the event, led to the Japanese General Corporation, and the National Assembly prepared a condemnation resolution. There is no room to be.

According to politics on the 23rd, the National Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and Transportation is discussing intensive countermeasures following the Japanese government’s enforcement of Takeshima Day.

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Young-ho, secretary of the ruling party of the Foreign Communications Commission, said in the call, “This is an issue that the Foreign Communications Commission should immediately respond to,” and “We will prepare a response plan, such as proposing a resolution at the level of the standing committee.”

The resolution contains content related to Japan’s call to withdraw the designation of Takeshima Day and to stop distortion of history.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also took a strong response, saying it would not tolerate the Japanese government’s provocation. The day before, Hirohisa Soma made a strong protest against the Japanese Embassy in Korea, and then, in a statement in the name of the spokesperson, urged the abolition of the event, saying, “It is a useless provocation against Dokdo.”

On the 19th, there was a flow of cooperation between Korea and Japan, such as holding a high-level three-party video consultation with the ROK, the U.S., and Japan related to the policy on the Korean peninsula, but the relationship between the two countries is freezing again after three days due to the Dokdo issue.

Experts also analyze that the possibility of improving Korea-Japan relations is currently low despite Biden’s administration’s role as a mediator.

Lee Myeon-woo, vice president of the Sejong Institute, said, “If the government does not make a political decision on issues such as comfort women and forced conscription, it is difficult to improve Korea-Japan relations,” he said. “In the Japanese foreign policy, Korea’s priority is gradually lowering.”

The difference in airflow between the two countries is striking not only in relation to Korea-Japan relations but also in North Korea policy.

Biden’s administration maintains the stance of cooperation with alliances and partners, but puts a prerequisite of’Priority on North Korean denuclearization’. In order to resume the peace process on the Korean peninsula, the Moon Jae-in administration’s stance and the temperature difference of promoting dialogue between North Korea and the United States or between the two Koreas and the United States are felt.


In this regard, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln said in a video speech at the UN disarmament conference on the 22nd (local time): “The United States continues to focus on the denuclearization of North Korea and works closely with allies and partners to deal with North Korea’s illegal weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. I will cooperate.” This is a reaffirmation of the US’ willingness to cooperate with North Korea’s denuclearization and alliance on the international stage.

The problem is that it is unlikely that the United States will sit at the dialogue table unless North Korea’s denuclearization measures are taken. In the past, during the Obama administration, the Foreign Affairs and Security Line, including Secretary Blincoln, watched North Korea conduct its 3rd to 5th nuclear tests directly from the working level.

In this context, it is observed that the biden administration’s policy stance toward North Korea, which has not yet been released, is highly likely to adopt a realistic approach such as’conversation after pre-denuclearization measures’ instead of’strategic patience’.

A diplomat’s expert said, “Although the Biden administration is reviewing a comprehensive strategy against North Korea, it is highly likely to operate a two-track of incentives and additional sanctions.” If North Korea does not preemptively take measures to denuclearize, it will not talk about additional economic sanctions. I could take it,” he predicted.

Reporter Yoo In-ho [email protected] Reporter Lee Ji-eun [email protected] Reporter Koo Chae-eun [email protected]

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