Conflict between the Democratic Party and the National Assembly over the law to revoke the license for violent crimes such as sexual assault

Medical Association “Retaliation License Stealing Act”
Democratic Party “applies to the requirements of lawyers, accountants, etc.”
Rep. Nam-guk Kim, Chairman of the Medical Association, Max House

[아시아경제 나주석 기자] The Democratic Party and the Korean Medical Association collided with the revision of the Medical Law, which could revoke the license of a doctor who committed violent or sexual violence. While the Medical Association protested that it was a retaliatory license robbery law, it explained that the requirement to revoke licenses that had been applied to other professions was applied to doctors as well. The connection between the revision of the medical law and the issue of vaccination continued to be filled with the medical community.

Conflict between the Democratic Party and the National Assembly over the law to revoke the license for violent crimes such as sexual assault
Chairman of the largest house Korean Medical Association

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Nam-guk said on the social network service (SNS) Facebook on the 21st, “Why aren’t you criticizing the people’s power that criticized the government as if the world would collapse immediately, saying that vaccination was delayed? “Is it because, “Is it because the chairman of the house is in harmony with the power of the people?”

Earlier, Congressman Kim said the day before, “the medical association is really pathetic and embarrassing,” and “probably the doctors will be ashamed of the medical association executive department.” “If a doctor threatens you with a vaccination, is that a bully doctor?” he pointed out.

In this regard, Chairman of the Medical Association Choi Choi said, “Rep. Nam-guk Kim, is it Naalgangdo or a member of the National Assembly?” and said, “The Democratic Party is really pathetic and disgusting.” Chairman Choi criticized, “If a lawmaker has legislative power and creates a retaliatory license robbery law, is it a gangster or a member of the National Assembly?”

Previously, the National Assembly Welfare Committee expanded the regulations requiring that a doctor’s license be revoked if he/she is sentenced to imprisonment or higher for violating the medical law, and deprived of a doctor’s license even if he was sentenced to more than a prison sentence for violating laws other than the medical law such as violent crime or sexual violence. The amendment to the medical law was passed. In response, the KMA responded, saying, “It clearly reveals that it will cause severe resentment to the 130,000 members of the medical association, which are protecting the health and lives of the people at the forefront of overcoming the national crisis such as support for corona 19 vaccination, which will cause a major obstacle to corona response.” .

Conflict between the Democratic Party and the National Assembly over the law to revoke the license for violent crimes such as sexual assault
Nam-guk Kim, Democratic Party Member [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

In addition to Rep. Kim, Democratic Party Rep. Woo Won-sik also criticized the amendment to the medical law, linking the amendment to the medical law and the Corona 19 vaccine. Rep. Woo also said through social media, “The Korean Medical Association stipulates that the amendment to the Medical Act will revoke the license of a doctor who committed violent crimes such as murder, robbery, and sexual assault. “I will consider it,” he said, “I hope that the medical association will not give up on being a doctor by itself as it has caused enormous obstacles in overcoming the quarantine crisis through collective actions such as refusal to cooperate with vaccination.” He said, “This revision of the law will revoke the license if a doctor is sentenced to more than a confinement sentence, like other professional occupations such as lawyers, certified accountants, and judicial officers. “It is difficult for anyone to understand the claims of the Korean Medical Association about evil law or discrimination in certain occupational groups,” he said.

Rep. Woo said, “Korea’s K-quarantine against Corona 19 was possible thanks to the people’s trust in the government and the medical community. If there is an action against the morality and the dedication of life-saving doctors, the public will ask why the doctor exists. Will ask,” he condemned.

Reporter Juseok Na [email protected]
