Confirmed the first community group infection with the mutant virus… Immigration management should be strengthened

For the first time, a case of mass transmission of a mutant virus, which is known to have stronger transmission power than the existing Corona 19 virus, has been confirmed in domestic communities. It is pointed out that the management of immigrants should be strengthened as family transmission is taking place from persons infected with the mutant virus who have entered the country from abroad.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) said on the 3rd that “A total of 27 cases were analyzed since February 1, and a total of 5 cases were identified as mutant viruses.” Of these five cases, four were from the UK and one from South Africa.

“All five cases were infected in Korea,” said Bang Dae-bon.

Daebon Bang added, “It can be seen as a matter of time before the mutant virus spreads in Korea.”

Four additional infections of the British mutant virus occurred in Gyeongnam and Jeonnam. It spread from relative gatherings, centering on the family of a confirmed overseas country, with one in Gimhae, Gyeongnam, two in Yangsan in Gyeongnam, and one in Naju in Jeonnam.

One additional person infected with the mutant virus from South Africa was confirmed as a family member of a confirmed person who resided in Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and arrived from overseas on January 28. It is presumed that a confirmed foreigner has been exposed to the mutant virus while self-isolation at home.

As 5 more people were discovered this time, the number of confirmed cases of mutant virus infection in Korea increased to 39.

Park Young-joon, head of the epidemiological investigation team at the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said, “The close contact test has been completed, and additional virus tests are being performed on the contact person, so there is a possibility that the same type of virus will come out.”

[정지성 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
