Confessing hellish days while arguing with Kim Song and Kang Won-rae

Broadcaster Kim Song and husband Kang Won-rae confess their marriage
“A parakeet acting in a frame that looks at me as an angel”

Kim Song Kang Won-rae couple / Photo = Hankyung DB

Kim Song Kang Won-rae couple / Photo = Hankyung DB

Broadcaster Kim Song-yi recounts her marriage with her husband Kang Won-rae and reveals her feelings.

On the 24th of the EBS liberal arts program’Life Story’, Kim Song appears and introduces the three miracles she experienced with her husband Kang Won-rae.

Kim Song reveals the opportunity to find happiness like a miracle after passing through a difficult period of divorce. In the recent recording of the broadcast that day, Kim Song opened the door, saying, “Gang Won-rae fell into unconsciousness due to a traffic accident, but fortunately it was the first miracle that a loved one survived.”

He tried to protect Kang Won-rae with the power of love, but confessed that he was increasingly stressed by the reality of having to live with a disabled husband at a young age. Kim said, “I was trapped in a frame that looked at me as an angel, and pretended to be a parakeet couple in the broadcast, but in reality I had a hellish day while continuing to quarrel with my husband.” The studio was full of surprise.

Kim Song said, “But it was the second miracle to save my family as I became grateful for his present life,” and raised questions about the last miracle of his life.

Kang Won-rae, who was a member of the clone’s hit duo in the late 1990s and a famous dancer as a top star, was paralyzed in a motorcycle car accident in November 2000. Since then, Kim Song’s love for Soon Ae-bo, who protected him by his side, has also become a hot topic. The two married in 2003 succeeded in conceiving after 8 trials of in vitro procedures in November 2013 and held a healthy son in their arms in 2014.

Jang Ji-min, guest reporter at [email protected]

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