Completion of the Doosan annual salary contract Kim Jae-hwan Team All-time non-FA highest 760 million

'Doosan annual salary contract completed' Kim Jae-hwan, team's highest non-FA record '760 million'

[엑스포츠뉴스 조은혜 기자] Doosan Bears has signed a contract with all 44 recipients of annual salary renewal in the 2021 season.

Choi Won-jun, who recorded the first double-digit multiplier for his debut in mid-July last year, stamped 160 million won, an increase of 171.2% (100 million won) from 59 million won. This is the highest rate of increase in the team Won-joon Choi started in 42 games (18 starting games) and recorded an average ERA of 10-2 and 3.80.

Park Chi-guk, who played the most 63 games and 71⅔innings among bullpen pitchers in the team, became the first billionaire in the league. This year’s annual salary is 160 million won, an increase of 80 million won or 100% from 80 million won.

The transfer student duo Hong Kun-hee and Lee Seung-jin also became the first billionaires. Hong Kun-hee signed an increase of 107.5% (57 million won) to 110 million won from 53 million won, and Seung-Jin Lee signed an increase of 112.8% (53 million won) from 47 million won to 100 million won.

Kim Jae-hwan, the fourth hitter, changed the highest non-FA salary in the team. Kim Jae-hwan, who scored 30 home runs and 113 RBIs in 140 games last year, stamped a seal at 760 million won, an increase of 16.9 percent (110 million won) from 650 million won. The record for the end of the team’s highest non-FA annual salary was Kim Hyun-soo’s 750 million won in 2015.

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