Completion of the annual salary coordination committee composed of 5 members including KBO legal professionals… Held on the 25th

Completion of the annual salary adjustment committee composed of 5 people including KBO and legal professionals...  Held on the 25th

The KBO Secretariat completed the formation of the Salary Adjustment Committee held at the Baseball Hall in Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul at 2 pm on the 25th.

The KBO Secretariat proposed the criteria for the annual salary adjustment committee to strengthen fairness and neutrality and make rational decisions.

It was followed by a wide review based on qualification requirements such as judges, prosecutors, and lawyers with more than 5 years of experience in mediation or arbitration, personnel with high understanding of sports club operation systems, or sports-related academics, and composed of five members. 24 days ago.

Each of the coordinators included one person recommended by the player and the club.

The coordination committee is about to make a judgment by relatively considering the contribution of the players in the previous season, the contribution period and continuity, the awards according to the player’s performance, the recent performance of the club, and the player’s past salary and the annual salary level of the same year players.

Clubs and players (or authorized representatives) may present and explain the evidence submitted in person.

However, the media’s opinion or evaluation data that may involve the financial situation or supervision of the club or players, the conditions discussed by the club and players before the coordination committee is held, the expenses of both agents or attorneys, and the annual salaries of players or professions in other sports events, etc. It cannot be a basis for judgment.

Right-handed pitcher Sovereignty, who played at the core of the kt wiz bullpen last year, asked the club for an annual salary of 250 million won this year.

However, kt’s team confronted it with 200 million won, and the annual salary adjustment committee will be held for the 21st time in 10 years since Lotte Giants and Lee Dae-ho in 2011.

KBO’s annual salary adjustment committee raised one hand after hearing the opinions of both sides on the 25th.

In 2002, only Ryu Ji-hyun (currently LG Twins manager) won the team in the previous annual salary adjustment committee.

/yunhap news

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