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Adoption of abandoned dogs just before euthanasia
Goseong-gun Shelter, recently released photos and videos

Actor Jo Seung-woo shared the recent status of the abandoned dog'Gomja', which he recently adopted.  Goseong-gun shelter provided

Actor Jo Seung-woo shared the recent status of the abandoned dog’Gomja’, which he recently adopted. Goseong-gun shelter provided

“Who is this~ Who is this~” The recent status of a dog adopted by actor Seung-Woo Jo just before euthanasia at an abandoned animal shelter last week was revealed. 27th Gyeongnam Goseong-gun Abandoned Animal Shelter on InstagramThrough (@goseong_adoption), the photo and video delivered through Seung-Woo Cho through a post “I got a name for the child number 50” was released. Earlier, on the 22nd, Cho Seung-woo personally visited a shelter in Goseong-gun and adopted a stray dog ​​just before euthanasia, which became a hot topic. . The Goseong-gun Shelter said, “Many people gave unlimited interest to the news that Seung-Woo Jo adopted a child on the list of euthanasia among the children of the Goseong-gun Shelter. The name of the 50th child appointed by the guardian is’gomja’. A name that goes well with a gentle and clear child.” In the photo accompanying the post, Gomja showed a relaxed and relaxed appearance, such as taking a walk or playing with a doll while chewing dog gum on a cushion. In the video I shot myself, “Who is this? Who is this The voice of Jo Sung-woo, who said, “The house is too small~” was included. In the video where the bear sleeps with a drowsy expression, a cat’s cries were heard.

Gomja shows a comfortable appearance on a cushion.  Goseong-gun shelter provided

Gomja shows a comfortable appearance on a cushion. Goseong-gun shelter provided

Seung-Woo Cho is famous for his special love for pets. he is Interview with a media in 2018In the book, “I am a housekeeper with one dog and two cats,” he said. “I personally came up with the interior of the house for my pet.” He also has a peculiar background as a public relations ambassador for Sapsalgae. In an interview with the movie’Myeongdang’, he confessed, “I am sad whenever I see that my dog ​​is too old and lacks energy these days.” It is known that the adoption of Gomja took place after leaving the dog he had raised for 15 years. Hae-kyung Kim, an activist of the Beagle Rescue Network, who consulted on the adoption of Gomja, said, “I knew that the adoptee was Cho Seung-woo only after the adoption of Gomja was over. He was the one who gave several adoption inquiries since last September. He was bringing him to Goseong-gun himself, so he only made practical confirmations necessary for adoption. After being adopted, I found out that it was actor Jo Seung-woo after consulting with the payment status and vaccination history to proceed with monitoring. Until then, I only thought that I was the same person.”

In the photo provided by Cho Seung-woo, the bear showed a comfortable appearance, such as taking a walk or sleeping on a cushion.  Goseong-gun shelter provided

In the photo provided by Cho Seung-woo, the bear showed a comfortable appearance, such as taking a walk or sleeping on a cushion. Goseong-gun shelter provided

Goseong-gun shelter last year ‘National City/County Animal Protection Center Survey’ conducted by Beagle Rescue NetworkThere was controversy over illegal euthanasia and illegal supply of municipal subsidies. At that time, the euthanasia rate reached 80%, while the adoption rate was 6.6%. Goseong-gun converts the consignment shelter to direct management after investigation and exposure of animal groups, and has signed and managed an MOU on the protection and adoption of abandoned animals. Yoo Young-jae, CEO of Beagle Rescue Network, said, “Since the transfer of the shelter to direct management in September last year, not a single animal has been euthanized due to the overflow of individuals. The adoption rate, which was the worst in the country, has also improved to 27~28%.” Goseong-gun shelter said, “I think the child was able to go for adoption through publicity and sharing by many people. The shelter is really glad and happy to find the guardian of the child in the short time left. Please continue to protect the Goseong-gun shelter as you are interested. Do not buy, adopt.”
By Kim Ji-sook, staff reporter [email protected]
