“Comfort women problem, let’s go to ICJ” Grandmother Lee Yong-soo appeals to tears

Lee Yong-soo, a victim of Japanese military comfort women, said she had no more time and demanded that the comfort women issue be referred to the International Court of Justice. This is because, starting with Professor Mark Ramsey’s thesis at Harvard University, distortions of the comfort women issue among the Japanese rightists are increasing.

Reporter Park Jae-hyun reports.


Grandma Lee Yong-soo cried and explained why she had to go out.

[이용수 할머니 : 이제 시간이 없습니다. 하늘나라 가서, (먼저 돌아가신) 할머니들에게 가서 뭐라고 하겠습니까.]

The Japanese government and Professor Mark Ramsay were rebuked together.

[이용수 할머니 : (일본은) 적반하장으로 우리가 국제법을 위반했다고 우기고 있습니다. 지금도 미국에서 하버드 교수를 시켜서 거짓말을 하고 있습니다.]

Grandmother put the comfort women issue to the International Court of Justice and appealed that her last wish was to be judged by international law.

[이용수 할머니 : 마지막으로 우리 대통령님한테 절박한 마음으로, 눈물로 이렇게, 국제(사법)재판소 나가서 평화롭게 해결되게 해주십시오.]

When Japan stands in an international court, Japan’s war crimes are revealed in detail during the trial process, and even if the judge admits only part of the comfort women issue, Japan is obligated to investigate the truth.

[신희석/연세대학교 법학연구원 : ICJ(국제사법재판소) 재판하는 과정에서 위안부 관련된 자료라든가 증언들이 재판 기록으로서 영구히 후세에 남게 됩니다.]

However, the feasibility is questioned.

This is because the appeal of the International Court of Justice requires the consent of the other country.

[강효백/경희대 법무대학원 교수 : 일본 정부에서 응소하지 않고 무시해버리면 (재판에) 아무 진척사항이 없어요. 이런 문제가 있어요.]

The grandmother said it had conveyed this hope to President Moon through the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is cautious.

[최영삼/외교부 대변인 : 위안부 할머니 등의 입장을 조금 더 청취해보고자 하며, ICJ 제소 문제는 신중하게 검토해나갈 것입니다.]

Grandmother will testify of her victimization at an online seminar hosted by the Harvard Law School Student Council.
