Comedian Lee Se-young reveals reviews of double eyelid surgery… “100% my money, no sponsorship”

Comedian Lee Se-young revealed the review of the double eyelid surgery.

▲ Lee Se-young revealed his review of double eyelid surgery on his YouTube channel’Youngpyeong TV YPTV’. [이세영 유튜브 캡처]

On the 11th, Lee Se-young uploaded a video titled’Lee Se-young’s 2nd Week Q&A’ on his YouTube channel’Youngpyeong TV YPTV’.

Lee Se-young explained, “Finally, I tried light makeup after double eyelid surgery (double eyelid surgery) and took Q&A, which was a lot of requests.”

Lee Se-young, who revealed his swelling eyes after having undergone double eyelid surgery, said, “There are many people who are curious about what kind of surgery they performed.

Regarding the reason for the operation, he said, “I have been wanting to have double eyelid surgery since I was 20, but I couldn’t do it because of my job, but I had a big heart at 32. I think the complex has been overcome.”

When asked about sponsorship, he replied, “I paid 100% of my money without receiving sponsorship.” Lee Se-young added, “It was famous, and because it was the same dental clinic I attended 9 to 10 years ago, I had faith. I went to several consultations and I was in good harmony with the director.”

He also talked about the reactions around him. Lee Se-young said, “You left a lot of comments, and it appeared in popular videos. Isn’t that evidence that your eyes are good? There are many complexes, but I’m happy because it seems to work well.”

He added, “I do not recommend plastic surgery. I also thought a lot and sold my feet. I listened to the surrounding stories and decided to do the surgery carefully. I hope it will help those who decided to have surgery.”

Earlier, Lee Se-young revealed through last year’s broadcast that he decided to undergo plastic surgery by confessing the wounds he had suffered from bad appearances.

UPI News / Reporter Jiwon Kim [email protected]

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