Coinbase CEO “DeFi will be listed on Coinbase”

Park Sanghyuk

Source = Coinbase
Source = Coinbase

On the 24th, Cointelegraph reported that Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, the US cryptocurrency exchange, said, “We plan to list and develop Defi (decentralized finance) cryptocurrency in Coinbase.”

Armstrong responded to the question of’How do you see the possibility of DeFi projects such as Uniswap threatening Coinbase’ during the’Ask Anything (AMA)’ session held at Reddit on the 18th.

According to Cointelegraph, the most popular of the questions received was a question asking why Coinbase’s customer support has recently been inadequate. Armstrong said, “Three to four months ago, there were about 25,000 customer inquiries per week. From two months ago, the number of inquiries has soared to more than 100,000,” said Armstrong. “I am trying to solve this problem.”

Customers were also asked if they were considering an airdrop of Coinbase’s listed stocks or tokens. “There will be no preferential treatment for anyone during the listing process,” Armstrong explained. “Because of regulations, it is difficult to airdrop tokens or stocks to customers.”

Armstrong’s response on the day attracted attention by emphasizing that “Coinbase stocks can only be bought on Nasdaq.” Currently, the FTX exchange has released a product that tracks the coinbase market cap, so don’t be confused. “You can’t buy stocks on (cryptocurrency) exchanges,” he added.

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