Coinbase acquires infrastructure provider Bison Trails

[출처: 코인베이스]

Coinbase, an American cryptocurrency exchange, has undertaken another strategic acquisition in the blockchain infrastructure sector. Coinbase announced on January 19 (local time) that it has acquired Bison Trails, a provider of blockchain infrastructure. The acquisition is aimed at strengthening the foundation for an evolving product ecosystem, Cointelegraph reported.

# Coinbase, custody and node job

Coinbase said, “Through this acquisition, we will incorporate advanced technologies developed or developed by Bison Trails into more projects and companies around the world.” Coinbase will continue to operate Bison Trails as an independent company in the future.

Bison Trails was founded in 2018 and has a good reputation in the blockchain industry. The company provides infrastructure services that provide other projects and companies with the construction of nodes necessary for blockchain operation. In November of last year, Bison Trails launched the QT protocol to support developers’ development on Facebook’s upcoming Libra blockchain. Bison Trails has also developed a new technology that addresses the serious problem associated with double-signature messages. The double signing problem is considered one of the biggest risks of blockchain.

Bison Trails CEO (CEO) Joe Lallouz said through Cointelegraph, “At the time of officially publicizing the company in March 2019, the company’s motto was the best’infrastructure service company for the design of the next-generation blockchain network. “I am very pleased to join Coinbase. As an independent product line in the Coinbase portfolio, it will be the third pillar of Coinbase providing services for developer tools and ecosystem system development.” .

Coinbase has built a strong position in the industry so far, and plans to do an IPO (public disclosure) at the latest this year. Coinbase also recently acquired Routefire, which is expected to improve transaction execution and prevent the risk of serious server downtime that can occur during periods of high price volatility.

Coinbase currently has over 35 million authenticated users in over 100 countries. Coinbase’s cumulative transaction amount exceeded $320 billion.
