Class action suit for 342 AI victims… “We need to preserve evidence, not destroy data”

[아이뉴스24 최은정 기자] A joint lawsuit platform,’Angry People’, goes into a lawsuit against AI chatbot’Iruda’ to claim damages for alleged personal information leakage.

According to the content notified on the website of the lawsuit by angry people on the 22nd, it is confirmed that Taelim, a law firm, received an application for preservation of evidence against Scatterlab under the Seoul Eastern District Law on the 21st. He requested that the database (DB) built by users’ Kakao Talk conversations should be secured as evidence for this case.

As the main content, it is stated that “from immediately after the start of the recruitment last week to this week, we immediately proceeded to fill out the application after receiving advice from experts related to legal review and technology for this case.”

Previously, Taelim’s side said through angry people, “Machine learning of forming text data containing private KakaoTalk conversations of individuals collected through separate applications,’Science of Love’,’Text@’, and’Ginger’ from ScatterLab. Machine learning) was used as learning data.”

[이미지=화난사람들 홈페이지 캡처]

In the meantime, he explained, “In the process of deep learning the AI ​​on the new app after collecting the KakaoTalk conversation history collected from the existing service by the above company (Scater Lab) without the consent of all parties to the conversation, personal information leakage occurred.” There were many cases in which the address, real name, and account number of a specific individual were exposed without filtering.

In addition, “This is the collection and provision of personal information without consent under the Personal Information Protection Act, which can be subject to administrative and criminal penalties, and victims whose personal information has been leaked seek further prohibition of infringement against the perpetrator. “You have the right to claim mental alimony.”

On the other hand, angry people recruited victims of personal information leakage from the 13th to the 21st and pursued a class lawsuit. Participation targets are those who provided KakaoTalk conversation history to the science of love, Text@, Ginger, who provided KakaoTalk conversation history with the person (lover, etc.) to the app, and did not know whether the conversation history was provided. Such as those whose similar conversation history was found in. Until the morning of the 22nd, 342 people participated in this class action.

Reporter Eunjung Choi [email protected]
