Civic groups accuse Kim Jong-cheol of’sexual harassment’… Jang Hye-young “Careless Action”


While the Justice Party is struggling to deal with the sexual harassment case of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol, a civic group accused former CEO Kim of the police yesterday (26th). The victim, congressman Jang Hye-young, said the day before that he would not file a criminal complaint, but a third party suddenly filed a complaint. In response to this, Rep. Hye-young Jang strongly protested that it was’careless treatment’ through an article posted on Facebook. Recalling the damage in the process of unwanted investigations itself “prevents return to normal,” he said.

This is reporter Kang Willow.


The day after the case of sexual harassment by former Justice Party leader Kim Jong-cheol was disclosed, a civic group accused him of sexual harassment.

Although there are observations that the party-level disciplinary process is already in progress and the maximum’dismissal’ is possible, the civic group said, “Please have a strict legal judgment.”

Rep. Hye-young Jang made a stand on this.

It is an unfair and careless thing that interferes with returning to daily life by embedding it in the case regardless of the victim’s will.

We asked why we had to deal more with the damage investigation and the secondary harm that would appear in the process because of a third party.

It was also said that judicial treatment was regarded as a victim’s duty as’compression of victimhood.

The parental offense rule for sexual offenses was abolished in 2013.

Third parties can also accuse the perpetrator.

However, considering that the purpose of the amendment was to uncover cases where it is difficult to claim damage by themselves and to prevent the perpetrators from encouraging agreement, many point out that the accusation of this case is not correct.

Meanwhile, the Justice Party set up an emergency countermeasure meeting and set out to deal with the case.

[강은미/정의당 원내대표 : 부단한 노력에도 조직문화를 바꾸지 못했습니다. 밑바닥부터 근본적인 변화를 위해 뼈를 깎는 노력을 하겠습니다.]

It is known that candidates for the mayoral by-election of the mayor of Seoul, which has been defined as a’gender election’, are considered at the origin.

As this election began with a sexual harassment case by former Mayor Park Won-soon, the Justice Party is also in a position to be responsible for not making a candidate.

(Video Design: Bae Yunju)
