Chul-Soo Ahn’s ignoring the power of the people

Regarding the method of unifying the candidates for the mayor of Seoul, Ahn Chul-soo and the people’s power are in conflict with the people’s power.

Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party, speaks at the Supreme Council's meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 14th.  2021.1.14 Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party, speaks at the Supreme Council’s meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 14th. 2021.1.14 Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Representative Ahn argued at the party’s Supreme Council on the morning of the 14th that “the citizens of Seoul who are angry with this regime should decide on a single candidate.” “I am not insisting on uniting myself. It is important to achieve unity itself. Who becomes a single candidate is a secondary issue,” he emphasized. Representative Ahn used the word “citizen” ten times in all remarks and emphasized that “if the way the citizen wants it and the citizen decides, he is ready to accept any (unification) method.”

“As I watched the government ruling party’s runaway and the opposition party’s helplessness, I thought that there would be no future for the Republic of Korea unless a dagger was put in the heart of this regime in the Mayor of Seoul. “I decided that the path I had to go would be to unify the opposition to win and lay the bridgehead for regime change.”

As if conscious of the criticism of former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, who declared the run for the power of the people, as “a person who helped the current regime,” Ahn said, “Even people who did not know me well They also make unfounded criticisms.” He said, “I want to ask if it is following the will of the people who want to change the government or if it is an action that benefits those who crush democracy and the rule of law in this land.”

Jongin Kim, Chulsoo Ahn

Jongin Kim, Chulsoo Ahn

It is said that the National Assembly will push for’citizen-centered unification’ without being drawn by the power of the people. As CEO Ahn ranks first in the polls, it is interpreted as a position that he will not lose the initiative in the discussion of unification. At a separate press conference, Lee Tae-gyu, the secretary general of the National Assembly Party, urged the first opposition party to stop unilateral demands for unfounded slander against Ahn and ignoring the other party.

President Lee said, “Because the Blue House and the Democratic Party are in vain and get some reflective profits, you can’t see the people’s desperate interest in contributing to them.” Pointed out. However, Secretary-General Lee left open the possibility of negotiations, saying, “You can discuss (unification method) at any time (at the working level) as you progress through your own political schedule.”

In the political world, there is a prospect that the nerve wars of both sides surrounding the unification method will continue to tighten for the time being. Chairman Kim Jong-in met with reporters right after the non-capture committee on this day and said, “This is the process of the candidate for our party, and from now on, there is no need to talk about that. After our candidate is elected, it is not too late to talk about unification.” As for the point of discussion on unification, he said, “I will go to the beginning of March and talk.” The power of the people will receive preliminary candidate registration for 4 days from the 18th and begin the party competition schedule.
Reporter Sung Jiwon [email protected]
