Chrysanthemums in Wuhan, China on New Year’s Day… Why

On the 10th, one day before the Lunar New Year, a flower market in Wuhan, China, is crowded with customers who want to buy chrysanthemums to commemorate their families. [웨이보 캡처]

On the 10th, one day before the Lunar New Year, a flower market in Wuhan, China, is crowded with customers who want to buy chrysanthemums to commemorate their families. [웨이보 캡처]

Joe Biden’s US administration on the 13th (local time) urged China to make early data available to the World Health Organization (WHO). White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement that day, “We are deeply concerned about how the initial results of the Corona 19 investigation were delivered (to the WHO investigation team).” “We understand the corona 19 pandemic better and prepare for the next epidemic In order to do so, China must make the data available at the outset.”

The customs of wreaths for families who died during the year
Suspected of “3869 corona deaths”
US “unprocessed data disclosure”… Chinese rejection

Aide Sullivan’s statement came the day after the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Chinese authorities refused to provide raw data of early outbreaks to the WHO investigation team. A WHO investigation team composed of multinational researchers visited Wuhan, where Corona 19 was first confirmed, to brighten the origin of Corona 19 last month and conducted an investigation. However, on the 9th, the investigation team announced the findings of the point that it failed to find the origin of the Corona 19 virus. Dr. Thea Fischer of Denmark, a member of the investigation team, told WSJ, “You can’t do in-depth analysis without looking at the raw data,” and “this sometimes intensified the emotions (with the Chinese side).”

In a statement in the name of a spokesperson released on the website on the 13th, the Chinese embassy in the United States said, “The United States has damaged multilateral cooperation organizations including WHO in recent years, You must not point your finger at other countries,” he responded.

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on the 14th that a shortage of chrysanthemums occurred due to the crowd of people trying to commemorate the family members who died during the past year in Wuhan, China according to the customs of the Lunar New Year. The owner of a flower wholesale store in Wuhan told SCMP, “The scarcity of chrysanthemums is due to reduced production by flower farmers concerned about the re-proliferation of Corona 19.” “I was told that a chrysanthemum sold for 100 yuan (about 17,230 won).” Said.

Wuhan residents are showing suspicion at the authorities’ statistics on the corona19 deaths due to the scarcity of chrysanthemums. The number of Corona 19 deaths in Wuhan was officially counted at 3869, but there are suspicions that there will be more.

A Chinese netizen with the ID of Muksu space (墨水空間) posted a post on Weibo, saying, “Why did all the flowers sell out because 3,000 people died in Wuhan, with a population of 9 million?” Free Asia Broadcasting (RFA) said, “The number of Corona 19 deaths in Wuhan is a mystery,” and said, “If we estimate the number of ashes sold in Wuhan, the actual death toll could be more than 10 times the official announcement.”

Beijing = correspondent Shin Kyung-jin, reporter Lim Sun-young [email protected]
