Chronic pain, neck and back, disc manual treatment, therapist’s skill level depends on-Medical Tribune

In winter, when the temperature is cold, external activity decreases and muscles tend to become stiff. In particular, last year, as it was difficult to maintain external activities and exercise due to various factors such as Corona 19, the number of patients complaining of chronic musculoskeletal pain and those who were exposed to neck and lumbar discs increased.

Neck, lumbar disc, and musculoskeletal disorders are caused by numerous factors in daily life other than the weather.

The habit of lying down in the wrong posture for a long time, sitting with a heavy bag, etc. in only one direction can be fatal to the health of the spine and joints because even the younger generation can strain the neck and back.

Samsung Baro Haji Clinic (Orthopedics, Ilsan)[사진]As with most diseases, early detection and treatment are the most important for spinal and joint diseases, according to the report.

Various spinal, joint and musculoskeletal disorders, including neck and lumbar discs, can be treated with sufficient relief even with non-surgical therapy if early diagnosis and treatment in orthopedic surgery.

Manual therapy is a representative non-surgical therapy that can help with the health of the neck, waist and joint system. The therapist’s hand corrects the disorganized joint or spine and stimulates and strengthens the surrounding muscles to help relieve pain. Chronic pain caused by twisting the pelvis or joints can also be improved.

Director Hong Sang-hoon said, “If manual therapy is used for prevention or initial treatment purposes, it can correct distorted joints or weakened muscles without surgery and reduce pain. The advantage is that even elderly patients who are difficult to treat with drugs or surgery or patients with underlying diseases can receive it. There is” he said.

He also said, “Modern people who usually use smartphones and computers for long periods of time are always exposed to neck and spinal diseases. The first priority is to try to relax the tense muscles and maintain the correct posture through stretching. “If you are suffering from unbearable pain, it is a good way to go to an orthopedic surgeon to diagnose the condition and receive non-surgical therapy such as manual therapy.”

Even such manual therapy can be expected to have a complete therapeutic effect only when medical knowledge and know-how are supported. Director Hong emphasized, “It is better to check if you are a medical institution or therapist who understands manual therapy and musculoskeletal disorders well and receive treatment, rather than being overwhelmed by the cost or promotion of events.”

In addition, Dr. Hong said, “Manual therapy is a part of treatment that is distinguished from general massage and meridians. Therefore, it should be noted that it can be helpful to examine and decide a lot of information such as the therapist’s career and understanding of musculoskeletal diseases in advance. “Do it” he advised.

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