‘Christmas trip’ crowded US airports… The maximum number of travelers was taken

In the U.S., ahead of the Christmas holiday, the number of travelers who flew by plane reached the highest level since the coronavirus outbreak. Considering the number of car travellers, there are concerns that the number of confirmed cases will continue to increase until early next year, although the vaccine is being given.

In New York, correspondent Kim Jong-won reports.


Disinfectant is sprayed in the air, and the touch screen that is in contact with people is frequently wiped.

While U.S. quarantine authorities recommend staying at home this Christmas holiday, travelers flocking to the airport to find families.

[항공기 이용객 : 부모님이 점점 늙어가시고 계시기 때문에 크리스마스에는 부모님하고 함께 있으려고요.]

The US Transportation Security Administration announced on the 23rd that 1.2 million travelers visited the airport a day.

This is the highest number of daily airport passengers since the coronavirus outbreak began earlier this year.

From the 18th, a week before Christmas, about 1 million people a day traveled by air, and more than 6.3 million people traveled by air so far.

As the number of passengers by car is also found to be 85 million, there are concerns that the corona confirmed early next year will be felt once again.

[파우치/미국 국립의료원 알레르기·전염병 연구소장 : 지금 일어나는 일들을 보면, 이미 우리가 겪고 있는 어려운 상황에서 또 한 번 확진자가 늘어나는 사태가 벌어질 것 같아서 걱정입니다.]

As the number of travelers at the end of the year has not yet begun to be vaccinated by the public, analysts say that the cumulative corona death will reach 420,000 by January next year.
