Christmas Lead Liverpool Away Leading

Liverpool's'Christmas lead' is farther ahead

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Liverpool, which had been leading until Christmas, fell to 7th place.

Liverpool lost 0-1 in their home game against Chelsea in the 29th round of the Premier League in the 2020/21 season held in Anfield on the 5th (Korean time).

Liverpool have recently been extremely sluggish in Anfield. Liverpool’s undefeated streak of 68 games at home before the 0-1 defeat at home before Burnley in the 18th round of the league has long since gone.

Liverpool are currently losing their 5th straight home. Starting with Burnley, Brighton & Hove Albion-Manchester City-Everton and Chelsea were all defeated by the strong, middle and weak teams.

Liverpool’s sluggish home economy was immediately followed by a drop in the rankings. Liverpool held first place until Christmas 2020, but after a defeat before Burnley, they reached fourth place and have now fallen to seventh place.

It is still a difference of points that can challenge the UEFA Champions League ticket, but if it fails to rebound, it may head to the UEFA Europa League again after six years. His most recent Europa League appearance was the 2015/16 season, his first year as manager Jurgen Klopp.

What’s more, Liverpool is far too far apart from leading Manchester City, a rival team until last season. Liverpool, which is ranked 7th with 43 points, has a whopping 22 points difference from the leader Manchester City.

Even compared to second place Manchester United, Liverpool are 8 points apart. There are still many games left, so it is possible to catch up, but it is a tough challenge.

Now Liverpool has a narrower difference between relegation and points. The 18th place Fulham at the top of the relegation zone is 23 points, and the difference between Fulham and Liverpool is 20 points.

Liverpool’s 27 games ranked 8th in the 21st century, lower than this season, led by manager Brandon Rogers in the 2012/13 season. At the time, Liverpool only scored 38 points.

The latest seasons, which were currently ranked #7, are the 2015/16 season and the 2011/12 season led by Sir Kenny Dalglish.

Coach Klopp, who has led Liverpool’s revival since the 2017/18 season, faced a crisis of raising the ranks to secure Champions League tickets amid injuries and corona 19 bad news this season.

[email protected] / Photo = AP/Yonhap News

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