Choo Shin-soo joins SSG… “I came to win” a strong exit

After completing self-isolation, Shin-soo Cho joined the SSG Landers squad. “I came here to win” and threw an intense vote.

This is reporter Bae Jeong-hoon on the press.


Choo Shin-soo, who appeared in short sleeves at the Sajik Stadium where SSG was playing a practice match with Lotte, met the players on the ground wearing a uniform for the first time after the match.

[추신수/SSG : 우리 힘 잘 뭉쳐서 부족한 부분 채워가면서 한번 잘 해봤으면 좋겠어요.]

When I handed over the expensive watch to Lee Tae-yang, who gave way to the number 17, the story blossomed.

[김원형/SSG 감독 : 나도 여기 70번 줄 수 있는데.]

[추신수/SSG : 저는 17번만 원해서….]

[이태양/SSG 투수 : 이거는 죽을 때도 차고 죽어야 되겠어요.]

At the press conference, Shin-soo Choo expressed his overwhelming impression of starting a new life at the Sajik Stadium where he had a dream when he was a child.

[추신수/SSG : (어릴 때) 사직 야구장에 정말 매일매일 밥 먹듯이 들러가면서 야구 선수의 꿈을 키웠던 곳이죠. 사직 야구장에 들어오는 순간 좀 뭉클한 마음도 있었습니다.]

He said he studied KBO league pitchers while perfecting his body during the self-isolation period, and pledged to achieve his first professional career victory this year.

[추신수/SSG : 저는 이 1년이 저 개인적으로 그냥 한국 야구를 경험해보겠다, 그런 생각으로 온 게 아니고 이기러 왔습니다. 이기러 왔고 우승하려고 왔기 때문에….]

Choo Shin-soo plans to raise his sense of hitting by the weekend and then go on to practice from next week’s practice game.
