Choi Ki-gi’Yoo Catnip, you must be a good mother… Please refrain from hurting words’

유깻leaf (left), Choi Choi / Photo = Choi Choi on Instagram

Choi Choi, who revealed the process of reunification with his ex-wife Yu Catnip through TV Chosun’We Got Divorced’, asked to refrain from malicious comments.

On the afternoon of the 19th, Choi Choi posted a long article on his Instagram along with a picture taken with Yu Catnip.

He said, “It was reflected through’We Got Divorced’ (hereinafter’Ooh Divorce’) and suffered from bad comments for 3 months, but there wasn’t a lot of damage compared to the 15-year broadcast period. It was a filming where I could take the time to regret my mistakes, so I looked back on my life one more time.”

He continued, “The biggest problem was that it was a poor problem with each other than picking someone’s wrong. My problem is also clear,” he said. “If you think that our lives can change as one I, and if you say something hurtful to someone, you don’t seem to have seen’right divorce’.

He said, “What I felt as a third person’s position while watching’Ooh divorce’ is that’I was still a lacking person’.’ “I did it.”

Choi Choi said, “I don’t want you to say anything that hurts someone with just one broadcast. Obviously, I will politely ask someone who is sure to be a good mother so that it will not hurt someone who is sure to be a good mother.”

Choi Choi Ki-gi and Yoo Cat-nip, who were a YouTuber couple, appeared in’Woo Divorce’ after 7 months of divorce and revealed their daily life after the divorce. In the broadcast on the 18th, Yu Catnip stubbornly refused when Choi Choi revealed his intention to reunite.

/ Reporter Seung-Hyun Chu [email protected]

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