Choi Go-gi, official denial of “Don’t make rumors” after Yu Catnip’s remarriage

[스포츠서울 박효실기자] He officially denied rumors that YouTuber Choi Choi reunited with his ex-wife Yu Catnip.

The two who appeared on TV Chosun’We Got Divorce’ together after 8 months of divorce raised their young daughter alone in an atmosphere like a long-time lover, and the figure of Choi Choi, who still has affiliation for his ex-wife, was drawn, raising expectations for reunion.

In the broadcast, Yu Catnip drew a line saying, “I’m sorry. We’re up to this point, but let’s do our best as parents”, but the reunion rumor continued.

On the 27th, Choi Choi said, ‘Choi Choi did not marry again on his YouTube channel. Please don’t make rumors.’ It was a reaction to many comments saying “congratulations” when a YouTuber posted that the two were reunited.

Choi Ki-gi said, “There are people who know this is true.” Since we met, I don’t want you to mention rumors like this.”

He said, “I have to find a new person, but it is difficult. I am doing good parenting by myself, and the pine needles are growing well. We are getting along well with friends. We found a way of life and we are very happy.”

He also shared the recent situation of his daughter Pine Leaf. He laughed, saying, “The pine needles don’t like meat more than I thought. Dad is meaty. Is it enough that Dad is enough?”

Next, he showed a picture of pine needles’ kindergarten graduation ceremony and said, “The kids are all expressionless, but they are smiling brightly. They smile like this because they are used to broadcasting cameras. They are so cute.”

Meanwhile, Yoo Catnip and Choi Choi Ki-gi married in 2016 and have a daughter, pine needles. But in April of last year, she divorced after five years of marriage.

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Photo Source|Chest Youtube Channel
