Cho Doo-soon first went out after 15 days… the moment the signal rang, the police followed him

Child sex offender Cho Doo-soon appears at the Ansan Compliance Support Center in Ansan City, Gyeonggi Province on the morning of the 12th.  yunhap news

Child sex offender Cho Doo-soon appears at the Ansan Compliance Support Center in Ansan City, Gyeonggi Province on the morning of the 12th. yunhap news

It was confirmed that child rape criminal Jo Doo-soon (69) went outside after 15 days of release.

According to the Ansan Compliance Support Center on the 31st and the Danwon Police Station in Gyeonggi Province, Jo Doo-soon, who did not show up after being released on the 12th, came out immediately after Christmas, using the time allowed to go out (6 am to 9 pm) and shop at a mart near the residence. After going out for about 30 minutes, I went home.

The fact that Jo Doo-soon was out the door was immediately known to the relevant agencies through CCTV, guard post, and electronic anklet signal, and a dedicated probation officer followed Cho Doo-soon and began monitoring. The police were also reported to have been put into surveillance by Jo Doo-soon.

Regarding this, an official from the Ansan Compliance Support Center said, “The observation of Cho Doo-soon is being made thoroughly,” and said, “It is difficult to reveal when and at what time of day they went out because there is a fear of residents being anxious.”

Until December 2027, Cho Doo-soon ▲Prohibit access to victims with electronic anklets within 200m ▲Do not drink excessively ▲Do not go out from 9pm to 6am the next day ▲Prohibit access to educational facilities such as elementary schools ▲Completion of sexual violence recidivism prevention program I have an obligation.

Currently, close CCTV networks and guard posts are installed around Cho Doo-soon’s house. In addition, an inspector in charge of the Ansan Compliance Support Center of the Ministry of Justice, a special response team at the Danwon Police Station, and the dismissal of one squadron (20-30 people) from the South Gyeonggi Police Agency are conducting surveillance activities.

Reporter Lee Ji-young [email protected]
