Cho Byeong-gyu requests police investigation for suspicion of abusing [종합]

Byeong-gyu Cho (Photo = OCN)

[이데일리 스타in 김가영 기자] Actor Cho Byeong-gyu was surrounded by suspicion of school violence, and the agency commissioned a police investigation to inform the hard-line response.

On the 17th, HB Entertainment, the agency of Cho Byeong-gyu, said in an official press release on the 17th, “To hold legal responsibility for the indiscriminate malicious comments and dissemination of false facts toward actor Cho Byeong-gyu posted through the current online community, our company officially commissioned a police investigation. We inform you that we have initiated an investigation into the case.”

Earlier, an article was published in the online community alleging Cho Byeong-gyu’s school violence. Mr. A, who wrote the article, said that he and Byeong-gyu attended school together in New Zealand. But, whether it was bad, about 30 people swearing around me at lunchtime.” He added, “I hope the truth will be revealed,” arguing that Cho Byeong-gyu’s words and actions were not good.

The agency emphasized, “We will no longer be left to sit down on the offenses that mass-produce and spread malicious rumors against the actors we belong to, and we will hold legal responsibility without any prejudice or agreement according to the results of future investigations.”

In addition, he announced that “HB Entertainment will continue to respond more strongly to illegal acts that damage the honor of the actors (spreading false information, writing malicious comments), and will do its best to protect the rights and interests of the actors affiliated with it.”

In 2018, Cho Byeong-gyu was once surrounded by suspicion of school violence. Cho Byeong-gyu made an insulting remark while studying in New Zealand. At the time, Cho Byeong-gyu said through his fan café, “I have never done that,” and said, “When the vain rumors grow, we will disclose the official position through the company.”

Meanwhile, Cho Byeong-gyu is currently counted as a’popular actor’. OCN’s’Wonderful Rumors’, the first starring after receiving great love for JTBC’s’SKY Castle’ and SBS”Stove League’, ended amidst the topic, recording 11% of the highest rating since OCN was launched. Following the success of the drama, Yoo Jae-suk’s return to KBS, the entertainment program’Comeback Home’, has been confirmed as a regular appearance and is showing a trend.

Byeong-gyu Cho (Photo = HB Entertainment)

The following is the full text of Cho Byeong-gyu’s management company HB Entertainment

Hi. This is HB Entertainment.

We are making an official position regarding the distribution of malicious comments and false facts towards the actor Cho Byeong-gyu.

In order to hold legal responsibility for the indiscriminate malicious comments and dissemination of false facts against actor Cho Byeong-gyu posted through the current online community, we inform you that we have duly commissioned a police investigation and have initiated an investigation into this case and related.

We will no longer be left to sit down on criminal acts that mass-produce and spread malicious rumors against our actors, and will hold legal responsibility without any prejudice or agreement according to the results of future investigations.

HB Entertainment will continue to respond more strongly to illegal acts (spreading false facts, writing malicious comments) that damage the honor of the actors it belongs to, and will do its best to protect the rights and interests of the actors affiliated with it.

Thank you.
