Chinese YouTuber of “Kimchi is Chinese food” listed in Guinness Book of Records with the most subscribers… Citizens’buzzlingly’

Chinese YouTuber Li Ziqi controversy about’Chinese traditional food’ hashtag
Ritzchi subscribers 14.10 million… Chinese Channel Most Subscribers
Netizen “Cancel Subscription”

Chinese YouTuber Ritsuchi, a controversial Chinese youtuber, posted a video of making cabbage kimchi and tagged’Chinese food’. Photo = Screen capture of YouTube channel’Liziqi’.

[아시아경제 허미담 기자] Chinese YouTuber Li Ziqi (李子柒) is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as a Chinese channel operator with the largest number of subscribers, and netizens’ resentment. Earlier, Ritsuchi posted a video of kimjang-ha, which caused controversy by attaching the hashtag’Chinese Cuisine’.

On the 3rd, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported in an article titled “Chinese Kimchi YouTuber, Guinness Listed by Number of Subscribers,” that Ritsuchi’s channel recorded the highest number of subscribers among Chinese YouTube channels and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The previous night, Guinness announced it through its Weibo account, a Chinese social network service (SNS), and explained that the number of subscribers to Ritsuchi’s YouTube channel increased from 11.4 million in July last year to 141.1 million at the end of January this year.

Netizens who heard the news are continuing criticism by urging them to cancel their subscription to the Ritsuchi channel. This is because Ritsuchi posted a video of Kim Jang-ha last month and made a claim that kimchi is a traditional food of his country, such as attaching the hashtag’Chinese food’.

Regarding this, one netizen said, “As the number of subscribers increases, the influence of Ritsuchi will be as strong, but this kind of person calls Korean traditional food Chinese culture,” he said. “Kimchi is not only Korean traditional food, but also contains various Korean cultures. Absolutely. It’s not Chinese food. If you still have Ritsuchi’s subscribers, cancel your subscription right away.”

Another netizen also criticized “Kimchi is a food that is basically served on the Korean table. Is kimchi on the Chinese table?” and criticized “Do not claim that kimchi is Chinese food, but bring objective data.”

Photo = Screen capture of YouTube channel’Liziqi’.

Earlier, last month, Ritsuchi raised controversy over claiming kimchi as a traditional Chinese food. In the video uploaded on the 9th of last month under the title of’Life Series: The Life of Radish’, he pickled the cabbage he had harvested himself in salt and smeared the cabbage with red seasoning made from red pepper powder. Ritsuchi also made a soup dish by putting kimchi in a boiling cauldron.

In particular, he added the hashtags of traditional Chinese cuisine (#ChineseCuisine) and Chinese food (#ChineseFood) in the introduction section of the video, and introduced all the foods in the video as if they were traditional Chinese food.

Over this, Korean-Chinese netizens argued online about the origin of kimchi. At the time, Chinese netizens commented such as “Koreans are intolerant” and “Koreans who are rash do not need to care.”

As the controversy grew, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged, “We should not hurt the sentiment between Korea and China.” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chun-ying said at a regular briefing on the 20th of last month, in connection with the growing controversy over the issue of the origin of kimchi in both Korea and China, “the two countries should not have a prejudice so as not to harm their emotions.”

“I am not an expert in the field of food matters. However, I know that Pao Chai is a type of pickled fermented food, and it is not only in a few countries and regions. All Koreans in China call it kimchi.”

He said, “There are some things that communicate with each other, but each of the ingredients, taste, and recipes have their own characteristics,” he said. “Each room (each country) thinks that the Pao Chai issue should be proceeded through beneficial and friendly exchanges at the gastronomic level. I will.”

Reporter Mi-dam Heo [email protected]
