Chinese researchers “76% of coronavirus patients suffer from sequelae for 6 months”

Input 2021.01.11 08:38

In a large-scale corona 19 sequelae study in China, 76% of patients who were cured were found to have sequelae such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and kidney dysfunction for more than 6 months.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on the 11th, Dr. Chaobin’s research team working at a hospital in Beijing, China, made such a statement in a paper contributed to the medical journal’Lancet’ on the 8th. This study was a follow-up study of 1,733 patients (median age 57) discharged from Jin Intan Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

On the 2nd, in Beijing, China, a man is getting the sinofam vaccine. /yunhap news

The researchers found that 76% of people discharged from the hospital, the center of the outbreak of Corona 19, still show at least one symptom associated with the disease after six months. The most common sequelae were fatigue (63%) and sleep disturbance (26%).

In particular, more than a third of the patients showed signs of renal dysfunction. “This has caused problems, such as an increase in waste products in the blood and an increased risk of sexual dysfunction,” the researchers explained. In addition, some patients were found to have long-term damage to their lungs to the extent that they could not breathe properly even after discharge, and some problems such as hair loss and memory impairment were reported.

About a quarter of them complained of depression and anxiety even after 6 months, and the research team added that it was not known whether the sequelae was due to a cranial nerve injury caused by Corona 19 or a stress disorder caused by a traumatic experience.
