Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang “I want to talk to the United States in various fields”

Input 2021.03.11 20:21

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang (李克强) said, “I hope that the US and China will be able to talk in various fields.”

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang (李克强) answers questions from reporters on various pending issues at a press conference at the National People’s Congress held in Beijing on the 11th./Yonhap News

According to China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency on the 11th, Prime Minister Lee said at a press conference held after the closing ceremony of the 4th Plenary of the National People’s Congress (Non-in University).

Prime Minister Lee said, “The two countries have different cultures, history, and social systems, so there is bound to be a conflict.”

“The United States and China share a common interest,” he stressed, “respecting each other’s core interests and critical interests and not intervening in internal affairs.”

He added, “If China, the world’s largest developing country, and the United States, the world’s largest developed country, cooperate, it will be beneficial, but if there is confrontation, there will be a loss.”

Prime Minister Lee’s remarks came ahead of the Joe Biden administration’s first high-level talks between the United States and China, which will be held on the 18th and 19th. Diplomatic heads of both countries meet in Anchorage, Alaska.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Chinese Communist Party diplomatic politician Yang Jietsu, and Chinese Foreign Affairs Officer Wang Yi will attend.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Lee said on the reorganization of the Hong Kong election system, “This decision will solidify the principle of’Patriots rule Hong Kong’ and help the development of a continuous’one country and two systems’.”

He added, “I hope that Hong Kong will overcome the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) and realize economic recovery to achieve long-term prosperity and stability,” he added. “The central government will actively support it.”
